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"What?" He turned towards me diverting his all attention towards me. He was in his black buttoned-up shirt with sleeves folded upwards till his elbow. There was a gun placed inside his belt. Hairs were dishevelled but trimmed perfectly and his jaw was clenched while looking at me with those intense forest green eyes.

I looked at Suzi biting my lip as I thought I had said something terribly wrong but I took her side. Still she was looking at me with pity.

"Get out." He said ever so slowly with those perfectly shaped plum lips. I lowered my head as I took a step towards the door but then heard a thud when Suzi left leaving me alone with him.

I looked at the door then at him and suddenly I felt suffocated with his dominant personality and his woody cologne engulfing in a dangerous aura.

I moved towards the door as I didn't want to be alone with him. Also he just said he didn't want me in this room too.

"Ah!" I gasped as he, without any warning, gripped my elbow and yanked me towards him. I winced when my chest hit with his hard rock one making my veil around me to get loosen up and fell on the floor.

"Oh!" I was appalled when I was about to kneel down and grab it for me but his grip tightened around me making me yelp.

"Please let me g..." I couldn't form any other words as they died down in my throat the moment he encircled his arm around my waist. I instantly placed my arms in between us for decency or otherwise my chest would be flushed against him.

The trembling started again as fear engulfed my whole body just like his cologne. Tears started rolling down my eyes as I realized my bare waist was on display for him and my loose bun was messy because of the sleep.

"Eh!" I hissed when his cold fingers touch the bare area of my waist just below the hem of my blouse. I felt like electricity passed through my body and reached my toes to make them curl and then I realized I was still wearing heels as I slept in them. He must be angry because I slept on his bed with my heels on.

"I asked you something." His deep exotic voice finally made me look above at him to find him looking in eyes already. I was glad he wasn't looking anywhere else but his fingers were compensating for that.

"Hn?" I asked in confusion as with his proximity I forgot everything. No one had never touched me like this.

"You want me to repeat?" He raised an eyebrow at me as I was shivering and squirming trying to escape from his grip but his one hand was enough to hold me hostage.

"Y-yes." I answered as he looked surprised for a second then clenched his jaw again. His lips from one side were twitched as if he was controlling something. "I-I d-didn't understand." I explained because I didn't want him to get angry.

"Listen to me." I almost screamed when his other hand gripped my jaw in his deathly grip. The hold was harsh as if he dig his fingers inside my flesh making me whimper.

"No one in this house is allowed to me make me repeat my words. Nobody here is allowed to question my orders. Get it?" He seethed as his face was so close to me that I could feel his hot breath above my lips. Tears started forming in my eyes making my vision blurry.

"Words Luna words." He hissed near my face as his whole attention was on my lips as he was waiting for the words to come out when he licked his lips to wet them.

"Y-yes." I choked on my words as his grip didn't let me say anything properly. I knew I was terribly shaking but his arm around my waist made me stand still preventing me to fall down because of my jelly like legs at that time.

"You are just a slave. You understand. You will do anything I say or your f**ker of a former to-be-husband would be hanging dead with the ceiling of your own home." He grabbed my throat as his tall frame was hovering over mine. He kept my face high so I could just see him and not anything else.

"O-Okay." My lips were quivering badly as I was forcing the tears to not come out because my mother always said that they were the signs of weakness. She never wanted me weak but here this man had made me cry so many times in just few hours. I couldn't say I wasn't the one marrying Jameel but I also couldn't risk Beela's life.

"Seriously what did you see in that mother****er." He more like amused while saying that as he didn't care I was in pain and extremely scared of him at that time. I wanted to run away when he started looking at me from head to toe followed by his jaw more clenched.

"Let me go." I tried my best to sound confident as his hand was still around my throat. I wanted to leave the room and go away from him as far as I could.

"You are not the one to decide here. It's my room. You entered here without my permission but you need my permission to go out." His face was accompanied by a smirk as he ended that sentence scaring me more as what else he could do with me in the room.

"Now tell me the whereabouts of Jameel?" he asked as he pressed force around my throat making me move backward until my back collided with the wall with a thud. It hurt.

"I-I don't know." I said as how I could know about him. He barely came home to meet Beela.

"F**k woman. Don't play games with me. Again tell me about his whereabouts?" he asked as his words made the tear to finally roll down my eyes. How could he talk to me like this?

"I don't know...please." I tried to push him away but it irked him more as he grabbed my both wrists and pinned them above my head against the wall. Now there was nothing between us as his chest was few inches away from me.

"F**k! You still think you can stay loyal to that bastard. I own you now. You are mine." His face was dangerously closed to mine as I turned my face to the side as I couldn't meet the intensity and anger in his eyes.

"I don't know. Trust me...please." I was getting dizzy as my nerves couldn't bear more when his smirk grew evilly.

"Trust you. You are trying to save your ex-fiancé's ass in front of me. Let me f**king tell you who you belong to now." He said as he cupped my throat to make my face higher enough to let his leaned posture to attack my lips.

It was all of a sudden as every fibre inside me went still for a second. My senses got numb when he took my lips in his plum ones. The grip around my throat loosened a little as I came to my senses but I couldn't push him away because of wrists in his hold. I squirmed to let my lips free from him.

He sucked my upper lip making my soul to leave my body but he didn't stop there as after making my upper lip perfectly swell he moved towards the lower lip as he groaned the moment he sucked my lower lip. His groan sent a shiver ran down my spine as he licked my lips and then sucked my lower lip.

His hand left my throat as his large calloused hand encircled my small waist and yanked my lower body to press against his as that was terrifying because I felt his gun poking my abdomen.

He stroked the seam of my lips I didn't know for what purpose but I sealed them in thin line to not give him what he wanted. He groaned but I tried my best to not give in fear when he finally let go off me leaving me breathless.

I looked above at him to find him extremely mad as he growled. "What the f**k!" he said and I yelped.

"You f**kig stop saving that f**ker's ass or otherwise I have other means to help you in that." I was trembling when he wipe his saliva from my lower lip with his thumb pad making me pressed my back more against the wall.

"Now get the f**k out of my room." He said as he turned around and entered the restroom making me crying badly when he vanished from my sight. I felt like I didn't have strength to walk but I had to. I had to stay away from him.

I hope Aunt and Jameel come as soon as possible because I felt like dying here every second.


The rest of the book would be uploaded on Goodnovel. 


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