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There is always influence of other people around you that changes the environment and you have to change yourself according to that. People say that if you have strong mind and heart that could be stopped from floating around anywhere and anytime then the aura of the bad influence can never affect you. But I don’t think it’s true anymore because no matter how much strong you are you always have to bend yourself a little in order to adjust yourself to the surrounding. That’s why we always say choose a healthy environment and make friends with good and happy people so that even if you have to change yourself you should do that according to the healthy parameters of life.

Why I am saying that all of a sudden because what happened last night made me believe that. I always had a strong will and mind because I had cousins who were involved in unhealthy activities but that never influenced me because I kept a decent distance between us or most probably, they didn’t have time and liking to make me feel comfortable around them. I never thought about doing anything bad around them as I always used to pity them as how they were going to regret later even though they were enjoying that to their fullest right now.

Their company never influenced me to do bad things as I thought that’s because I had a strong will but now if I think about it so it was because I maintained a distance from them and last night, I didn’t maintain any distance and that’s why I was just going with the wind or I should say going with every sinful thing he was asking.

“Fine…open them wide for me baby girl.”

His words rang around my mind as I cringed shaking my body not because of him but I was the reason. I was the one who was about to comply with his demands when his phone started ringing that was just beside Precious and that made Precious to almost jump out from the couch as he fell down letting out a shocked scream of his own. I forgot everything what I was about to do as he also got startled for a moment as we both were so engrossed in the moment that we forgot we had another living organism in the room witnessing all the sinful gestures we were playing around with.

I softly pushed him away from me and he did when I grabbed Precious and without wasting any other second, I stormed out of the room. My gaze also fell on my bra that was lying on the floor thinking about its worth but I didn’t have any courage to grab that for me on our way towards my room.

The moment I stepped inside my room reality dawned upon me as I recalled every gesture of mine that made me sink six feet down in the ground.

“It’s a-aching.” These were my words and he caught me in doing something that I never thought I would ever do especially in front anyone in my entire life.

How could I do that?

He made me do it. He had that influence on me and obviously that was the bad influence. I should maintain decent distance from him just like I did with my cousins. But with cousins that was easy because we barely met with each other once a month and with him I didn’t even know when could be the next encounter.

“Don’t you think I am here for this. Don’t touch what’s mine only.”

His words rang inside my head again as I couldn’t help but stifled my soft groan with the help of a feathery pillow.

“I am sorry you have to go through this.” I said as soon as my gaze fell on Precious.

“Next I won’t take you with me.” I tried to reassure him but then he looked at me with a sigh as if saying. Are you going to do that again?

“No…never. I just…no…uh.” I made my head fall on the pillow as I begged sleep to have mercy on me but the accelerated heartbeat didn’t let me succeed in that too.

Now it was morning and I was done with all the morning chores but the last thing that was about to be done was to step out of the room. Yes, it’s morning I didn’t even dare to step out of the room and examine my surroundings just to escape towards the kitchen where I could be safe with Suzi and dad would also join me for breakfast soon.

My every movement today was so slow that I took shower in 45 minutes as that was a very long time for me but I need a long warm shower also I wanted Precious to join me too but obviously he hated water so I made him sit on the sink while playing with the sponge while I took all the time in the world in taking shower.

After slipping in violet colored long skirt and same colored buttoned up blouse I glanced at myself in the mirror. My hairs were still wet and I didn’t know from where the blush came on my cheeks when I glanced at every spot of my body where he touched me last night.

Again, my heart started beating like I had been caught in a sinful act when a smile was about to erupt on my face but I immediately controlled that. I should control myself from doing anything that could make my smile dependent on him. I was just his slave and not his wife. I kept repeating that in my head like a mantra as I decided to step out of my room but stopped thinking. “What if he hadn’t gone to work yet?” A new fear stopped me from going out but then I looked at Precious who must be hungry and I couldn’t starve him so I, after taking a deep breath, exited the room.

My honey brown orbs scanned the corridor and then glance at the closed door of his room. The next second, I almost ran towards the kitchen while trying to not make any sound as I sighed in relief when I saw Suzi doing her chores normally.

“Is he gone?” I asked as soon as she greeted me back with shimmers of hope swirling inside my eyes.

“No, he didn’t.” She said and the hopeful smile on my face vanished and turned my face into a face as if someone had snatched a chocolate from my hand and that too which has roasted almonds stuffed inside.

“Maybe he has and you don’t know about it?” Like an optimist person I strived on the last string but the next moment I abruptly turned into a passive one when I heard his voice from the dining hall.


Suzi answered him and the smiled at my face which was getting pale at that moment.

“What is he doing here?” I asked her in a hushed tone as he had exceptionally sharp senses for a normal person. Again, he wasn’t normal.

“It’s his house. He can be here.” Suzi answered me back with the same tone as me as I tried to narrow my eyes at her when his deep masculine voice erupted from the dining hall entered the kitchen and sink into my body to shudder my spine.

“Ask other people in the kitchen to join to join me here.” He said and Suzi’s face brightened with a smile as she looked at my dumfounded expressions.

“Go he is asking for you.” Suzi nudged me in the elbow while working. She seemed busy.

“He asked for other people.” I tried to bargain here.

“And who other people are here?” She asked raising one eyebrow at me. I glanced around and then pointed towards Precious busy drinking milk from his new feeder as I didn’t use his again. It must be impolite and I shouldn’t be giving his stuff to use for animals. I didn’t mind that but since he didn’t like animals that was a big deal for him. I should be using his things especially those which reminded him of his mother with a lot of care.

“What are you waiting for?” Suzi scrutinized her gaze at me as she added. “Did something happen between you two last night?” She asked and choked on my own saliva making my eyes watery.

“What…no…no.” I tried to say with a beetroot face.

“Did you lose your virginity last night?” She said all of a sudden and I had the urge to scream no but I just violently shook my head at her as I didn’t want him to hear any of this.

“Then did you…”

“Fine I am going.” Before she could accuse me of any other thing, I turned around the moment his phone started ringing. I stopped on my tracks as in next few minutes he stormed out of the dining hall in fury as it must be related to his work. I didn’t know why I felt sad and relieved at the same time. It must be the matter of heart and mind.



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