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Suddenly everything changed as the tables turned. The cake was f**king mine and I didn’t even get to taste a single bite. I cursed under my breath as I walked forward to turn off the stove. Now I was taking order from my staff too. Just great. Aysham Zubair in my life and I have started doing chores.

“We heard it.”

“How bad it is?”

As soon as I returned into the lounge, I got an encounter with two troubles. Muzamil and Zaroon. These two f**kings must have got the news from Imran. Sometimes I though they used to gang up against me. They must have a chat group in which I wasn’t present so that they could just gossip around me and roast me. I wondered if she was present in there too because since her arrival in my life I had been on the top of the list of roasted people.

“Glad to hear your concerns.” I threw my coat on the couch and almost threw myself beside it also after it as my dad had one eye on the match while the other one pitying on me as I couldn’t handle one tiny single person.

“We are really concerned but we heard you walked behind her like a puppy in the lobby of Knights Industries.” Muzamil said with all the seriousness on his face but I could see the mischief dancing in his eyes.

“Sad to hear she still didn’t bother to look at you.” Zaroon said as he tsked his tongue while opening a lays packet as he was sitting with dad on the same couch with his eyes on the screen but sarcastic mind had its focus all on me.

“Your concerns are helping a lot.” I placed a fist on my lips as I added sarcastically. They both were there to enjoy my state with my dad who seemed amused too by my state.

“Better than your puppy walk in the lobby.” Muzamil said chucking down the soda while dad tried to look all serious while enjoying his soup.

“Fine. Just help me out here.” There was long of pause of silence where they were waiting for me to beg them for help with their eyes glued to the screen.

“F**k. Let’s just get on it.”

“Tell what you did.”

“How did you mess up?”

They were like on the verge of exploding until I asked them myself making me kill them through my glare while my jaw clenched at their amused expressions.

But f**king everything I spilled the beans because I was in dire need of help at that time. Though they all weren’t in a good healthy relationship either but still they were better than me. They had dated at least while I just used to women to sleep with. It was just benefits with no strings attached but here I seemed like there weren’t just few strings attached. She was attracting the whole of me with an unsee force and that too could put me in a panic state at that time. F**k She looked so gorgeous and attractive today as she did that all for me. I resisted my urge to pound of her swan like neck and mark her every spot as mine. But still I had to ruin everything with that bastard’s name who meant nothing to her. My lips twitched from one side remembering the revelation that just broke on me few hours before.

“F**k! She was your wife and you accused of her with her past.”

“Like you didn’t have your own past.”

“You can’t judge or hate someone depending on their past. May be the person has changed.”

“But you still did that when you yourself can’t count how many women you have slept with.”

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