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After what happened to Precious, I couldn’t leave her alone anywhere but I also couldn’t take her with me to my meetings as she would be bored as hell and I also wouldn’t be able to keep her company keeping myself realistic for a moment in her regard.

I made sure to leave enough men out the penthouse with enough security because the building was my own and I never comprised on security. But in her case the whole building knew the security had been updated strictly with my men guarding the only lift that led to the penthouse while the stairs were also guarded so that nobody could even try to harm her. Even the maids were sent to the penthouse with prolonged screening to ensure protection of my girl when she was sleeping peacefully in her bed.

She was tired of the flight that’s why when I moved her from the swing to the bed, she didn’t even squirm a little and kept sleeping making me a little concern as in that sleeping state anyone could kidnap her very easily but that’s the thing. With every harm coming towards her I was standing in front of her to protect her from all side. I had to do that as she was my wife. Yeah! She is. Even thinking about her as my wife made my heart skip a beat. Who would have thought that small fragile girl would do something to my heart?

After ending the call with one of men in the mansion I decided to call her as she wasn’t use to sleep that long and her not calling me back didn’t let me focus on the presentation which the Qatar’s Company delegation was providing at that time. I was in a meeting whole as I dragged myself here when after working for whole night on my laptop and she sleeping by my side I didn’t want to come as there was part of me who wanted to engulf me in the sheets and drag her close to me until I fall asleep but I had to control myself therefore getting ready hurriedly without looking at her peaceful face I kissed her temple few times and then left for work checking every security measures that were taken until now.

“Excuse me.” I said as I exited the conference room and was about to call her when her name started showing on the screen. Smirking in order to hide my smile in front of the professionals I picked up her call only to find her voice shaky. Frown appeared on my forehead as my smirk turned into a tight suppress of my lips but she soon informed that she was cold that made me angry at the maids who were taking the hell amount of money just to take care of my wife and she was still cold in their presence.

I liked to teased her a lot as the pent house was only for me. I never brought anyone here before as she was first one. The restroom and everything were designed for me as I never thought I would have to share the room with someone because I never brought hook-ups there. I used to hook up in my teen age but when I grew up, I realized I had many other businesses and that was just to fulfill my needs which I should learn to control. Controlling the needs and urges was the biggest flex a man could have and I had that privilege until this little butterfly entered my life.

The moment I heard her voice and the way she acted colder at first, I knew I wouldn’t attend the rest of the meeting as most of my part was done and the rest of the things could be done by my employers who were inside listening to that half Arabic and half English presentation.

“What is the thing that made you lose your interest in your work?” I excused myself with the CEO of the one of the famous builders of Qatar as I had previous meetings with that old man too so he knew how much I had interest in my work before. I still do but now there are bigger interests. The man had an insight and that’s why I respected him with that gentle shimmer in his eyes although he had reached the significant period of his age where many people lost the sparkle in their eyes and prefer to stay in their homes.

“I have bigger interests now.” I said with a gentle twitch at the corner of my mouth as he scrutinized his gaze at me.

“Are you in love?” He asked and I got stiff for a moment as I couldn’t even maintain my professional smile anymore. So many things, thoughts feelings that I experienced when I was her came in flashback and hit me across the face making it difficult to breathe for a moment.

“You are son. You are. May Allah bless you.” He patted my shoulder and sat down again motioning me to go which I did because all the eyes in the conference were on me but that wasn’t the new thing for me. I had so many other things on my mind right as my heart was trying to overcome my thoughts and that was overwhelming for me. Making new relation was always difficult for me. I had Zaroon and Muzamil since childhood after them I couldn’t find one because the trauma that my mother’s death hit was there to haunt me. I never made relation because I was disgusted by them. What’s the use of them when you can’t even save them? But now I wanted to be in a relationship and I was sure that would die but never let anyone harm her. I was doing everything I can do just to protect her from the world because I want her to stay beside me. I want her to laugh around me, bless me with a smile everybody. I want her to just keep asking me for wishes and I want to be there to fulfill them which I can as a human. I knew everything is written in fate already as there is Allah sitting above us controlling everything but he also gave us the brain to use and a heart to feel the joy and pain. That mean he wants us to do something for it and I would do anything that is in my hands and I would make this world hell for those who would try to harm her.

If that is love then f**k I am in love. Yes, I am in love with he and I would go through hell just to be with her. I want to wake up everybody with her sweet scent around me. I love her.

My knuckles turned white as my grip hardened around the steering wheel. I looked at my phone to find no reply from her and steeped on the race just to reach her as soon as possible.

“Should I tell her that I love her?” I thought for myself as I should be asking these questions from the person who was actually in love. I had that one person in my mind at that time. Deciding not to tell her at that time I just decided to go to the penthouse and sink her inside me as soon as possible.

“Because you really don’t want this pervert’s head in between your legs the whole day.”

I decided to tease her as I read her message when I entered the balcony without any sound just to surprise her and she did when she gasped and turned around like an electric shock.

“You are here.” She chirped with a bright smile on her face as I could die for that smile.

“Someone was missing me?” I cocked any eyebrow at her while caging her between the grill and my broad chest while resting my hands on the grill on her either side.

“I did.” She said enthusiastically but soon covered her mouth with both her palms as if she realized that she wasn’t supposed to admit that. I chuckled at her response as I leaned in and pressed my lips on forehead. It was a long lingering as if I was absorbing her in me for own my peace.

“Didn’t you have any work today?” She asked as she tilted her head in adorable way showing she was angry at something. At me.

“I decided to warm you up a little. You were cold butterfly.” I said as I wrapped my arm around her waist and was about to smash my lips at hers while flushing her into me when she covered my mouth with her both small hands.

“No.” She said sternly as I raised my eyebrows at her with a frown that appeared with a whining sound that appeared through my throat. She chuckled at that as I thought she would have mercy and let me continue but she was the little devil of her own world.

“You don’t deserve it. You left me alone.” She finally blurted that out as now I got the reason of why she sounded angry on phone.

“Believe me baby I deserve so many things. I am just waiting for you.” I tried to look helpless when she displaced her hands a little and rested them on both side of my jaw.

“Why did you bring me here when you want me to just stay inside?” She asked as her dainty fingers rubbed my trimmed beard which must be rough on her finger tips.

“If I would have brought you then I wouldn’t be able to see you for days. Now I can whenever I come back when my work is done.” I simply stated as it was the truth. She glanced at with fluttered eyelashes while biting her lower lip.

“Okay.” She mumbled with utmost generosity in her voice.

“I can’t believe I am forgiven. Can you do something to make me believe this?” She laughed at my response as she shook her head in yes again with generosity.

“Kiss me.” And I decided to take benefit of this generosity.



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