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I didn’t know when I fell asleep as my eyes opened at the slight murmurings. The first thing I saw him talking to the doctor as his back was towards me but seeing the doctor outside alarmed me abruptly as that meant they were done and now I had to prepare myself for the news about the kitten.

I stood up as I waited for them to finish their talk. The doctor smiled at the end as he glanced at me and bowed his head a little but I didn’t look at him as he turned around and saw me with a relieved expression.

“The kitten is out of danger. There were multiple injuries so he will require time to heal but we take him home.” He said as a relived smile with glint of happiness erupted in my eyes as I almost jumped on him and wrapped my arms around his torso. My face was engulfed by his hard rock chest while he patted my head with other hand caressing my shoulder.

“I can’t believe I am hearing this. You know I was so scared.” I said as tears of happiness fall through my eyes.

“And I can’t believe I just talk about a kitten like that.” He murmured more to himself but I chuckled when I hear that. The moment I lifted myself up from his lap and sat at some distance I thought he would go leaving me all alone as sitting with me for my kitten was the least thing he could do on such busy Monday of his. He must have got meetings to meetings but still he was there as it was only evening and he used to get home late at midnight. He was a workaholic or he just wanted himself to get disappeared in the work.

“Enough tears for the day I guess.” He said as soon as I detached myself from him. His thumbpads removed the tears drops from my cheeks as I had flushed face by then.

“It’s not my fault that tears started come out.” I resisted the urge to make a pout when his eyes glazed on my lips for a few seconds making me alert like a prey.

“Yeah. It’s my fault.” He muttered as he stiffened a little while maintain a decent distance between us. I still had the soothing aura provided his woody scent but I still felt my personal space cold and empty without him.

“How’s this your fault?” I asked as we waited for the nurse to let us come in so that we could meet the kitten.

“Since I always forget that you are woman.” He smirked as I pouted seeing his smirk. I wanted to roll my eyes at him but I was taking baby steps or he would kill me in an instant.

“You sometimes forget that I am a human too.” I mumbled while fidgeting my fingers while I sensed the air suddenly got tense around us while his smirk fainted a little. He knew I was mentioning all of his brutality up till now every time he had showed me his dark side. I was first saw his dark side but I got to see his other sides too which made me believe in that no one is fully perfect just like no one is fully evil.

“I barely treat people as human. They don’t deserve to call themselves human if they lack humanity. Few people deserve this title…like you…I know I am not human either and since I am also not a human that’s why also treat you like one.” I glanced at him through my lowered eyelashes as I wanted to say something for his defense but nothing came in my mind before the nurse came out and let us meet the kitten. For now, I should stick to the fact that he thought of me as a human and of himself as a beast. He knew what people thought about him. He knew what I thought about him.

“He is sleeping.” I whispered as we saw that small kitten sleeping with tubes attached on him. He stood beside me with his hands inside the pocket while I grazed the kitten’s small head with my knuckles.

“It’s a Scottish fold. One of the expensive cats in the world.” He murmured with his eyes scanning the kitten. I didn’t know anything about cat’s breeds as all I knew they were cats that’s it. I smiled at the white kitten with beautiful grayish patterns on it. It was beautiful.

“Can we take it to the mansion now?” I asked as I took his small claw in my hand.

“No Zaroon has informed about the animal care facility and would take good care of him.” He said casually as I turned around like an electric spark.

“What? You would send him to the facility. In this condition.” I glared at him as in a second, I got furious on him. He looked dumbfounded as he didn’t expect that glare from at that time.

“It’s a good facility and I’ll pay double for the care…”

“You can’t buy care because it comes with love okay. I want to take care of him myself. He got in this condition because of me.” I said tears started brewing in my eyes making him flabbergasted.

“But we never had pets in the mansion…”

“You have so many dogs.” I argued with my eyes narrowed at him.

“They are for security. We…” He looked at me and then at the kitten as he slumped his shoulders like that. “Fine.” He simply said that as he took out his phone most probably instructing all of his guards and staff that we are going to have kitten in the mansion. He lived like a royal as he did everything with a protocol.

“You are going with me. I am sorry that you have to go through this condition because of me.” I mumbled to the small kitten breathing with all the tubes attached around him.

“The doctors will discharge him tomorrow. You should go to mansion and have some rest.” After an hour he came and I gave him a narrowed gaze as if saying what are you talking about?

“I won’t. I will stay here with him.” I said as I scooted more closer to the kitten as if he would stop him for dragging me with him.

He let out a sigh as he tried to glare at me but I didn’t even budge from my spot. I was heck scared from inside as I still feared him dark side but deep down, I knew he won’t do anything to me. Not in a condition like this.

He finally gave up as he diverted his gaze with his jaw clenched and muscles flexed. He must be tired as he came directly from his work. He was wearing his suit as the coat wasn’t present here with him revealing his white crisp shirt that was perfectly hugging his torso. It must be custom made for him as it was fitting perfectly as I could trace his biceps along with those packs on his chest. I knew about eight packs since I lived with Beela. I knew it had something to do with men’s body to make them attractive which I thought was an absurd thing but now when I was looking at them, I should admit I was giving my thoughts a second chance.

“You are arguing with me for a thing that doesn’t even have a name.” He quirked an eyebrow at me as his hands were inside his pockets while his sleeves were folded upwards till his elbows.

“I’ll give him the name. Its name is…” I took his words as a challenge as I diverted my attention to the sleeping kitten. “Its name is precious because whoever done this to him didn’t know he was so precious that God gave him another life.” I mumbled as the blame perfectly suited the kitten as now, he was my Precious. “And he is precious to me too because he is the first ever pet, I have received in my entire life.” I chirped the last sentence while looking at his zoned-out expressions as slight…very slight twitch appeared at the corner of his mouth which could despise as a smirk but I knew it had the meaning closer to a smile.

“I have also received my so many firsts since you have entered my life. But I didn’t name you precious.” He teased but there wasn’t any mischief in his eyes.

“Yes, may be because you are ungrateful.” I blurted out as I didn’t know why but my tone became like I was angry at him for thinking so. As if he was really ungrateful for not recognizing my presence in his life.

“Or may be because you are not giving me any chance to become grateful.” He said as he started taking steps towards me like a predator and I acted like as if I was his prey because I started taking my steps backwards.



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