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“Because you lied.” I rasped as she was standing close to me to play with the beats of my heart as she owned them and I was letting her do that even though I felt for a moment I couldn’t breathe when I saw her but then I took breath like I had never done before because that’s what she did to me. It must be attraction. It has to be attraction.

She craned her neck upwards as I was already looking down at her when her eyes widened with a little amount of salty water gathering at the shore of that deep ocean.

“I didn’t.” She said adamant on the fact and the veins in my head popped up. If there was someone else, he could be dead in a snap of my fingers. “What did I lie about?” She asked with a cute frown on her face as she was about to cry but angry at me also.

I didn’t like when she cried. I never did as it did something to my heart restraining me from doing anything other than thinking about her wet eyes showing pain as if she was being inflicted with one for ages. But at the same time whenever she cried her tip of the nose became red along with her cheeks making her creamy skin to look more beautiful. She still had that baby skin which urge me to take a soft bite on it but she would start cry even more if I did that. She didn’t know how much I control myself around her as with a single touch her body went hyperventilated and I didn’t want that. I wanted to touch her when she was willing as I never forced a woman. At first, I was in rage and frustrated as I wanted to touch her so badly but she wasn’t letting me because woman used to throw themselves at me so I never had the idea how to deal with the woman you desperately wany but she is resisting you so badly that she starts crying whenever you use to get close to her.

I was beyond frustrated at the start as I didn’t know what she wanted but later on I wanted to adapt the fact that people need time and I had to respect her for her choices because I could never force her no matter how much I wanted to rip that dress off her body and see every f**king inch that should belong to me and it did but she still wasn’t ready to adapt that fact. Once she would let me all those things, I think I would be over her as that’s what we men are. Once we were done with a woman, we no longer had the same spark and thirst for them. I knew men in love would say otherwise but love was an expectational case and the chances of happening in real life is less than one percent. I still gave it a percent because I had seen people getting mad over their spouses but again the chances for me to happen were surely less than one.

“You said you haven’t been there before but you have with that f**ker Jameel. It’s all on the records.” I said as my men dictated all of the information as soon as he got those. She had been into plenty of hotels and restaurants but still she talked like she hadn’t done that. That really made my nerves to almost explode from my temple and spare the world from me but here I was still alive no matter how much I tried to dive into danger.

“Then why did you take me there?” She asked after a long pause while exploring my face as my heart skipped a beat when she didn’t deny any of it again. She should have I didn’t know why but I wanted to hear that from her that she no longer was in any kind of stupid love with Jameel or she hated him now after trading her but she never said anything bad about him. She never said anything about moving on and start a new life all because she must be stuck with him in the past even after his f**king death. He was dead. Why can’t she just start hating him and move on?

“You should remake all the memories so that you can forget him.” It was true as I was planning to go everywhere with her where she had gone just so she could forget his face which I couldn’t beat as he died of my rival’s hands.

‘With you?” She bit her lip from one side as if trying to stop her smile but why would she smile? It was an intense situation and I was on the verge of having a headache all because of that f**ker.

“May be.” I answered as I couldn’t see more into her smiling orbs as she was crying a few minutes before and now she was smiling. I was serious here and she was having fun with all of this. F**k! Where did all of my anger go?

“What’s this?” I asked although I could see it was a red velvet which she definitely made for me.

“It’s not for you.” A smirk that was making its way towards my lips halted in between as I raised my eyebrow at her asking for explanation. Did she bring the cake so that she could eat here? Never mind, I could see her eating cake in front of me as long as she was close to me.

“It’s for Jameel bh…it’s for him so that I could eat in front of his grave and share my feelings about our old time. Just wanted to ask if you want a piece. But never mind.” She said as she was about to turn around and that was it. My rage came back as I wanted to thrash everything in the room. This cake should be mine but f**k I so badly wanted to drag him out of his grave and beat him brutally filling his grave with blood which must be cold at that time.


I was thinking of all the things for which he could get angry at me and the thing turned out to be Jameel. I was saddened and scared that he could caught my lie and know Beela was in place of me at that time but when he said I had to make new memories and the pointer was towards himself I couldn’t help the smile coming across my glossy lips. Even in that situation I found that thing cute. He was getting jealous of him as he thought that my mind was still invaded by him. He was controlling his anger as he looked helpless in front of me. He couldn’t kill Jameel twice no matter how much he was yearning for that.

He asked for that cake as if he thought that Jameel was on my mind then he should also not think that the cake was for him but my words turned to be as a trigger for him because he grabbed my elbow and pushed me against the door as the box of the cake was about to get pissed in between us when I screamed by placing my palm across his mouth.

“WAIT!” I shrieked as I couldn’t see the cake which I made with so much difficulty grinded as a sandwich between us.

He raised his eyebrows at me with a little dumbfounded expressions as this were the fastest my instinct could work to save my cake.

“Are you mad?” I asked as I removed my palm. “Can’t you use your senses?” I was beyond angry as I thought this was the first time, I was getting angry on anyone like that.

“You are you are so…have you seen anyone eating cake on someone’s grave. I am not the one here who thinks about Jameel. It’s you who is more obsessed with him…” I was saying and he was looking at me with shocked expressions on my explosion. “…maybe you should be the one eating cake on his grave and share you heartened feelings with him because I never think about him. It’s you who always makes me. I was never in love with him. Getting married to someone and meeting at nights doesn’t mean they were in love. May be someone is forced and and…” I didn’t want to say it but I was so angry that I busted open. “…it wasn’t me who use to meet him at midnight. It was Beela my cousin who used to that. I never went out with him okay.” I said as I was breathing heavily now after saying everything in one breath while he was so shocked that time that no emotions could be seen on his face.

“Was he cheating on you with your cousin and you were still getting married to him?” He said as I didn’t say any of that. He could think anything as long as it’s not bad about my character.

“You you…” For the first time in my life, I was seeing him speechless. “…f**k that’s make sense now.” His shoulders weren’t tense anymore as if there were loads of burden on him and now it was elevated but I didn’t want him to enjoy that he thought I was never in love with Jameel.

“But since you make me think about him every now and then so I should go better eat cake with him although I made that cake for you.” Taking advantage of his shocked state I opened the door and stormed out of his office shutting the door right at his face.

Inner peace engulfed me after letting it all out although it was partially true so that Beela wasn’t on his radar.



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