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It was past midnight as he still didn’t come. I thought he would come after me after realizing everything and apologize but he didn’t show up to my room. Disappointment washed over my face as after talking about everything what happened today with Suzi and Areej who was on video call, I felt a little light although they both enjoyed what Imran had told them.

I just ended the conversation with them as we all weren’t tired talking about him and his blank expressions again and again. Obviously, I didn’t tell them about him being jealous of Jameel and giving me a tough time along with his hatred with it. But once Suzi told me that wasn’t his hatred as he was just pissed off why I was going to marry that type of person who didn’t even deserve me. In reality I wasn’t but the fact that he was pissed and didn’t even hate me for once contended my inner fibers of my cardiac muscle to some extent that I could sleep peacefully at night. It was hard for me to sleep in nights when I clearly know the other person in the room few meters away from me hated me. Bearing someone’s love and hatred both were difficult to deal with as love because what if you can’t love them equally back failing their expectation which they had from you and hatred because what if you yearn for their love because you love them too. It’s all the game of fate but still you have to put all of your efforts to make a relationship work. You don’t know when the other person changes his feelings for you. He could get bored with you anytime because you never get to know what type of person he was actually from inside. Sometimes you can judge them by how their mothers raised them but, in my case, I didn’t have any mother-in-law so that I could judge what he was actually from inside. I wished I could meet her.

I threw the make-up remover in the bin as I glanced at my glowing skin after the skincare Areej suggested me. I was a girl and I was deeply connected with these types of things in few days as even though I didn’t do makeup but still I liked to clean my skin which gave me a sense of refreshment. Areej and Suzi were gleeful when I started doing skincare and told them I like it. My skin wasn’t dry anymore as it became creamy again just like it was before when I forgot who I was when I started living with my aunt.

They gave me shelter and I had to repay them back by working for them as that’s what aunt told me. But she didn’t force to do anything that I didn’t like. I liked to cook and I did that wholeheartedly and about cleaning and washing so that what the sole purpose of my religion too. I couldn’t even live in filthy places then how could I let them to live like that. But the one thing that I expected from then in return was the respect that people use to get in the house they live but I didn’t get one and that’s what made me thing that I didn’t belong with them as they still though I was the burden to them even though I tried to make my every fiber useful to them. The other thing that could free me from my aunt was my marriage but the only option aunt put in front of me was of Safwan. So, I decided to live with my aunt for the rest of my lives because Safwan was the person who didn’t even like to respect woman.

But again, everything was under the control of fate and I ended up being forced to be the wide aka slave of the Farzan Shah. But everything that happened what far better than marrying Safwan.

And right now, I was pissed at him as I wasn’t that angry that he didn’t even come to my room. I even made Suzi to not eat the last piece of my red velvet cake so that I could make him taste that. A smile appeared on my lips when I remembered how he walked behind me as after everything I was a girl and I liked attention only from him. He even made towards me in the kitchen and the expressions when Suzi asked him to turn off the stove was impeccable. We both were grinning like idiot when we came to our room as Suzi bet that he wouldn’t have turned off the stove so she called the other to do it but it came out as it was already done. She was overwhelmed after that her job was in danger but still, she enjoyed every bit of his expression.

I walked back in the room as I glanced at the door which wasn’t opening and revealing him so that I could talk to him. Deciding to not talk to him even in the morning I walked towards my bed as I was in my white colord silk night suit.

I raised the comforter to get into its warmth when I heard the familiar footsteps coming closer making a smile to adore my lips as I overwhelmed quickly as I didn’t know how to suppress my smile that quickly but I couldn’t get the time and the door opened making me turn around and saw how gently he opened the door and after fee seconds his whole self was revealed to me.

“You are not allowe…” Keeping the straight face at which I failed I was about to say something when my gaze fell on his face which had a stern look but his eyes looked tired as if he hadn’t slept for ages but eventually everything changed in me and my smile dropped when I saw that white veil in his hand. It was my chaader that used to wear every time I go out as it belonged to my mother.

“You…did you…” Fear crawled up my skin as thinking about how would he react after finding out I lied to him made my mouth dry and skin pale even after all the skincare that I just did. But every though went into the bin when he cut me in between and walked towards me and said.

“I am tired. Let’s sleep.” His voice looked tired mirroring the expression of his eyes making me not to say anything anymore as I raised the comforter even more which was still in my hand as he laid down but the moment, I was about to cover him with the comforter he grabbed my wrist and ever so gently he made me lay down with him.

His arm was stretched out already for me so I rested my head on his biceps as I maintained a distance when I covered both of us with the soft feathery comforter but he wrapped his arm around my waist and pull me towards him so that our chests were colliding as he wanted to engulf me whole in his embrace.

“Are you angry?” I raised my head as his was already facing down when I accidently grazed my nose with the corner of his mouth. I should have stopped but I didn’t as for the first time in his case I listened to what I really wanted to do from deep inside.

“I am.” His eyes were closed as he didn’t pull his face back so I grazed my nose more. He let out a sigh as if my touch soothed him and that gave me the confidence to do not stop.

“Are you angry at me?”  I raised my hand as I traced the prominent vein on his neck with the tip of my index finger as if I wanted to soothe him more but by just staying in my limits.

“I am.” He said as a smile appeared on my lips.

“Can I make your anger go away?” I asked again with a small smile.

“You are.” He said as he grabbed my wrist of the hand which was tracing his vein with his eyes still closed as if he was savoring the movements of my touch. A deep blush appeared on my face when he opened his few top shirt buttons and rested my hand just above where his heart was beating. My skipped a beat as soon as I felt his heart beat which was on high rate before and then eventually gained its slow beautiful rhythm and that was it. I knew I didn’t have to ask any more questions as I didn’t like even myself to interrupt me when I could sleep feeling his every rhythm.

The moment I was drifting to sleep the thought that haunted me was what was this feeling I was having right now? Was I addicted to him or it was more than an addiction.



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