003. this was the only way you'd shut up [wanderer]

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There were many things the puppet formerly known as the Balladeer needed to sort out

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There were many things the puppet formerly known as the Balladeer needed to sort out. The Traveler and Paimon weren't quite sure whether he'd stay somewhat friendly towards them or whether they'd find each other on opposing sides again eventually. Nahida had argued that his path was unclear and no one truly knew where he was headed, least of all himself. So as a companion of the Traveler, there was still reason for you to be wary of him. Fortunately for you and him, you were never one to care much about being wary.

"You seem to be enjoying this", you teased and gave the Wanderer a grin to which he hissed. "This was the only way you'd shut up", he mouthed between kisses, holding the back of your head as his lips collided with yours once more. You didn't know whether he was doing it to feel something; to experience something people wouldn't expect from a puppet but you knew it was far too early to discuss any feelings with him. He'd just make a mocking comment and try to shut the conversation down. So for now, you were content letting him kiss you as he was sitting on your lap; another thing that was probably a bad idea to comment on if you didn't want him to exit the room.

Your arms were tightly wrapped around his waist and you relished in the feeling of how soft his lips felt on yours. He focused on kissing you more passionately to try and distract himself from how your gentle hold on him was making him melt into you and how weak the soft touches of your fingertips drawing circles onto his back were making him. He cupped your face with his hands, basically squishing it, and his tongue slipped into your mouth to meet yours. You kissed back equally as fervently, deciding you've had enough of his cocky attitude. He tried his best to ignore how there were goosebumps all over his arms and shoulders. But how he was feeling was evident in the way he pulled you even closer and sighed into the kiss, furrowing his brows. Your hand reached up to his face to gently caress his cheek. You smiled into the kiss when you felt him lean into your touch like it was the easiest thing in the world to do for him.

"Remember how you told us to just call you whatever? That you're curious what we'll come up with?", you smirked at him when you pulled away from him, having to place a hand to his chest to stop him from leaning in for another kiss, "how about 'love'? Or 'my dear'?" You teased and he crossed his arms, his expression darkening. "Don't you fucking dare. Who do you even think you're-" His voice cracked and got caught in his throat when you started trailing kisses down his neck. You glanced up to him to see he was blushing furiously, probably embarrassed by how easily he'd melt into your arms and how much his actions betrayed his words as he was once again wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. "You have some nerve trying to tease me", he hissed and could feel you chuckle against the skin of his neck as you nuzzled him gently. He could snap at you all he wanted, you knew he was starved for love and affection. He may have plenty of enemies who should be scared of him but with you he was all talk and no bite. The way you kissed him so gently, the way you touched him as if loving him came just naturally to you, made his voice tremble when he tried to speak and made him scared he'd tear up. He didn't want to be vulnerable around you. Not yet.

So he allowed you to continue kissing him. "You don't let anyone push you around. I can respect that", he gave you a smile and a quick kiss to your lips, "I wonder what your companions would say knowing what you're like around me." He chuckled. You shrugged. "Are you trying to make me feel guilty for kissing you without Traveler and Nahida knowing about it? You know, I actually find this situation very amusing", you smirked at him and kissed his cheek. "At least you're not boring", he laughed and closed his eyes as you continued kissing his neck gently.

Everytime he'd try to make another snarky comment, your lips found one of the more sensitive spots on his skin, kissing them repeatedly, which made him struggle to finish his sentences or stutter, much to his dismay. You were trying not to chuckle at how sensitive he was, knowing with enough embarassment he'd pull away from you. You smiled at how his breathing got heavier when you kissed the spot just below his ear. "Relax, are you trying to break my bones?", you raised an eyebrow and chuckled and he noticed how he had grabbed your wrist and squeezed it a little too much. He let go quickly. "Mind your own fucking business", you could see him pout. You smirked and kissed his cheek softly. "I don't know, to me it looks a lot like you're part of my business now, don't you think?", he huffed at your flirty tone and decided it was time for you to shut up again, pressing his lips to yours. Your kisses were gentler and slower now, making him feel every touch of your lips. It was not that he didn't like that, it was more that it was making him feel more emotions than he had been prepared for. Still, he didn't pull away, allowing him to lose himself in your kisses.

You made him feel more than he felt in a long time. At least when it came to experiencing positive emotions. You made him feel warm and safe, something he had long forgotten. He held onto you tightly, part of him still fearing you'd pull away from him and abandon him, betraying him as so many people have. That you'd see him as an abomination and leave him lonely and broken. But there was something in the way you smiled at him that made him feel like you'd catch him if he let himself fall. That he should take a leap and the net would appear. He had been anything but kind to you and the Traveler in the past and yet you chose to hold him so gently; to treat him like he was fragile. You paid attention to every expression of his, to every sign of his feelings; ready to give him the reassurance and care he needed when doubts would arise. So he let himself fall.

Unable to contain the emotions he had bottled up inside him anymore, you could hear him quietly sob, tears streaming down his cheeks as he was clinging onto you. You hugged him closely, running your hands over his back to comfort him. You knew coming to terms with his feelings would be messy. His breath was shaky and he felt a little light-headed, biting down on his hand to muffle the sobs he couldn't stop. You held his hand, rubbing it gently with your thumb, signaling him I'm here for you and I don't plan on letting you go. Not now, not ever.

He eventually calmed down, resting in your arms. You were pressing soft kisses to his knuckles as his breathing got steadier. Your fingertips were drawing circles onto his shoulder. He may be convinced that he didn't have a heart, yet you never had a doubt that he had one. And part of it was beating for you. It showed in the way he was kinder to you than anyone else. In the way he'd melt into your touch and let you hold him. And it showed in the way he pressed a kiss to your cheek that night and reached for your hand when he thought you were sound asleep. 

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