009. kaeya alberich is a terrible wingman [diluc]

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"Why, for the love of all that is holy, are you even so invested in my non-existent love life?", you pouted as Cavalry Captain Kaeya dragged you one step closer to Angel's Share

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"Why, for the love of all that is holy, are you even so invested in my non-existent love life?", you pouted as Cavalry Captain Kaeya dragged you one step closer to Angel's Share.

"Well, see it as me doing you a favor", he shrugged with a grin on his face, "besides, at the latest at your wedding he'll have to get along with me again."

You raised an eyebrow. "And you really see no better options to bury your family feud than sending me, a poor innocent bystander who has done nothing wrong ever in their life, to the front lines to suffer miserably?" Kaeya chuckled at your hyperbole and linked his arm with yours joyfully.

"You do know you should just talk it out right?", you let out a sigh and shook your head. "I've found significant others make an excellent conversation starter", Kaeya insisted and you got the feeling he was just doing this for his own amusement. Actually that was exactly what he was doing. The streets were already pretty empty compared to Mondstadt's usual crowded market places and Kaeya had bribed you to accompany him to Angel's Share to see Diluc. With the threat 'If you don't make a move I might just have to tell him myself' he had sealed your fate and you could only pray to the archons that Kaeya would not deliberately make things awkward.

"I don't even like taverns", you whined and pulled your jacket tighter around you. "For someone who hates taverns you come here pretty often....and all that just to see my dear brother", Kaeya winked and you rolled your eyes. "You know that's not the main reason I come here. Venti also knows of my....", your voice quieted down and you hesitated, ".....feelings.....for Diluc and I come here to watch him so he doesn't spill my secrets after too much wine or GOD FORBID turns them into a musical number." Kaeya laughed. "I would love to see that."

Glad to see you're having fun with this, Kaeya...

Opening the door to the tavern, the two of you were met with the laughter and loud voices of drunk citizens, the smell of wine and the ethereal view of Diluc in a high ponytail and a short-sleeved shirt pouring drinks behind the counter of the bar. Your eyes fell on him and his presence seemed to immediately drown out your noisy and annoying environment. Enough so, that you accidentally bumped into a drunk customer who cursed at you under his breath and stumbled out of the door. You glared at Kaeya who was snickering about the whole ordeal.

"Well you certainly seem in high spirits", Diluc noticed and nodded towards Kaeya. "Yeah, today was a great day and I thought I'd celebrate it by coming here with my good friend, y/n", he gestured towards you and then towards his adoptive brother, "Diluc." "We literally know eachother-"

"Pay no mind to him", Diluc gave you a polite smile and offered the menu to you, "would you like to drink or eat something?" Kaeya nudged you with his leg and you remembered what he told you. "I'd like to have a grape juice", you said, not noticing you were nervously tapping with your fingers on the counter. Order a grape juice, Kaeya had said, Diluc loves that stuff.

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