026. showing you his affection [pantalone]

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•   Often takes your hand like a gentleman and presses a kiss to it

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•   Often takes your hand like a gentleman and presses a kiss to it. If he's feeling particularly affectionate he'll close his eyes and kisses each one of your knuckles individually before pulling you close and softly kissing your lips.

•   When he's had a stressful work day he loves when you let him rest his head in your lap. He usually puts a pillow there and leans his cheek against your stomach while you caress his other cheek or run your fingers through his hair.

•   Has a peaceful smile on his face and sighs happily.

•   He can be very clingy. In the comfort of your home, he sometimes just pulls you into his embrace and wraps his arms around you from behind. He repeatedly presses kisses to your cheek, your neck and below your ear.

•   He also does this when you're the one who's supposed to be working. Convinces you that if you want to keep working, you might as well work for him and the Northland Bank. He pays you a generous amount of Mora for the paperwork you do for him but the fact that he could do it himself or ask someone else to do it and still pay you the same amount often enough prompts him to distract you.

•   "I'm working...", you raise your eyebrows as Pantalone wraps his arms around you from behind and starts littering your neck in kisses. "Hmm.....I love you", he pouts, nuzzles your cheek and presses a kiss to your lips.

•   "You know you can love me after I'm done with this, right?", but your chuckle made it evident you weren't actually serious at this point.

•   Pantalone just straight up sits down on your lap and kisses your forehead before holding your head close to his chest. When you complain that he's heavy he tells you that the two of you might as well get up and cuddle in bed or on the couch.

•   He picks you up and carries you.

•   Loves to hold you in his arms. He often comes back from a stressful day with a lot of meetings and appointments so once he has you snuggling against him he sighs and you can feel his tensed muscles relax when you run your fingers along his back.

•   "I missed you a lot today", he takes your hand in his and places a kiss onto your wrist.In general Pantalone tries to keep you away from all the uglier parts of his work. The shady deals and the part where people end up dead. He wants nothing that's just business for him to stand in the way of his love for you. Consequentially you're the only one who ever gets to see him like this. His colleagues know he has a significant other but that's about all they know. They don't know how Pantalone pulls you into long, soft kisses whilst holding you firmly against him. They couldn't imagine the cold, seemingly untouchable man they knew Pantalone as adoring you as much as he did, ready to give the world to you if you just asked for it.

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