007. garden of lights [dottore]

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Out of the many words you associated with il Dottore, "romantic" had never been one of them

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Out of the many words you associated with il Dottore, "romantic" had never been one of them. Many would describe him as cold or cruel. In the presence of others he seemed indifferent towards you. Yet what Dottore lacked in obvious displays of affection, he made up for in companionship.

His love for you showed in the little things he did. How, after a long day spent in his lab he'd join you on the sofa, reading a book with you and gently leaning against you as you could feel his tense muscles relax. Or that he was always looking out for your health; something he had never done for anyone else. How he went out of his way to buy you new pancakes at the bakery across the street when he burnt the ones he tried to make you for breakfast.

You'd exit your shared bedroom, still tired and talk to him while standing in the doorframe. "What's that smell?", you raised your eyebrows. "The usual", Dottore replied, calmly putting out the fire in the pan. "Arson?" "Breakfast."

"Hmm", you'd reply and go back to bed.

But today was different. The two of you were up early, as you were on a "business" trip in Sumeru and Dottore insisted he had something to show you. "Something" apparently required a very long hike towards Devantaka Mountain.

"Are we there yet?", you whined, trying to catch up with him. "What are you, 5?", he teased you and gave you an amused grin, "does a little walking make you this exhausted?" "If you turn it into half a marathon by having the speed of a feral Rishboland Tiger, yes it does", you sighed and Dottore laughed but slowed down instinctively to make sure you wouldn't overexert yourself. He'd let you hold his hand and decided as much as he wanted to get to the point of why you went on this journey in the first place, he'd let you take a look at the scenery and would try to make the hike enjoyable for you.

You eventually arrived at the giant Ruin Golem that decorated the landscape of the mountain. "Here we are", Dottore said proudly, "almost set this thing loose on the capital in my Akademiya days....ah, good times." You gave him a concerned look as he entered the giant machine with you. "Is this safe?", you asked, "like, a normal person's understanding of safe?" "Don't worry, I'm not going to activate it...", he said, "...not today at least." He guided you through the tunnel entrance until the two of you arrived in a huge dark space inside of the Ruin Golem.

Dottore used a switch on the side of the tunnel.

You suddenly saw the whole interior of the Ruin Golem light up. There were hundreds of small lamps that looked like they all had been attached to the metallic hall by hand. It was a beautiful sight, looking like some sort of industrial light garden. Did Dottore do this for you? This must have taken a ton of work....

You marveled at the fairy lights decorating the rusty stairs and walls and then turned to Dottore who had taken off his mask and was looking at you with an uncharacteristically gentle smile that you didn't get to see too often. You walked towards him and wrapped your arms around him, pressing your cheek against his chest. "This is beautiful, Dottore...", you smiled at him and kissed him lovingly, running your hand through his hair which you knew was an action he loved.

"Want to dance or something?", he asked casually but there was a hint of nervousness in his voice. Likely because this was so untypical of him that he didn't want you to tease him. "You're so romantic today", you remarked in surprise but took his hand nevertheless and thus his offer for a dance. "We can also terrorize a village with the giant robot if that's more on brand", he rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around your waist. "Let's not do that", you chuckled and Dottore used what looked like a small remote. Music started playing in the background and he swayed to the music with you. He accidentally stepped on your feet a couple of times. "Do you have any experience with dancing?", you asked him. "I read a book, does that count?" "It does not."

You chuckled and tried to teach him a little until he was looking into your eyes, concentrating on the dance. You wondered what was going on in his mind right now, his facial expression was unreadable but he looked like he was analyzing the way you made him feel. He looked a little puzzled so you decided to test his reaction by giving him a soft kiss onto his lips. He didn't react at first. He just kept staring at your face.

Then he leaned in for another kiss, pressing his lips to yours and kissing you slowly but passionately. He pulled you closer to his chest and sighed into the kiss while his hand was caressing your cheek.

"So", you inquired after parting from him, "what's the occasion? As much as I adore all this, you have to admit it's a little unlike you." He shrugged. "I suppose you're right. Well, there's something I've been meaning to ask you."

He reached into the pocket of his coat to pull out a small box. He opened it to reveal an intricately designed silver ring to you. He didn't kneel down but it was still evident what he was trying to do. "I made it in my lab", he explained and looked into your eyes, "we've been together for a while now and I thought we might as well." He tried to play it cool as he was obviously unfamiliar with a situation like this and didn't really know how to approach asking you for your hand in marriage. "Will you marry me, y/n?", he asked quietly.

You nodded with tears in your eyes and pulled him into a tight hug, burying your face in his neck. Oh great, emotion, what do I do now?, Dottore thought and awkwardly patted your head. He put the ring onto your finger and gave you a forehead kiss.

"Thank you", he then said, avoiding eye contact, "for understanding me. For accepting me the way I am. And for letting me into your heart even though I'm...not easy to love." You cupped his cheek and smiled at him as you pressed another kiss to his lips. "You were an aquired taste, I admit that", you chuckled and ran a hand through his soft hair, "but I assure you, by now loving you is one of the easiest things for me to do."

You smiled down at the ring and ran your finger over it, reaching for the gemstone on it. Dottore swatted your hand away. "Careful that's the button for the scalpel."

You raised your eyebrows at him. "You included a scalpel function in my engagement ring?", you stared at him for a moment, "nevermind, why am I surprised, it's you." "Think of it as a self-defense mechanism", he shrugged.

You pulled him close again and let him hold you in his arms. "What now?", you asked quietly. "Well, we could stay here for a while. Or watch the stars on top of the machine", he squeezed your hand and grinned at you, "or we could-" "We're not activating this thing, Dottore."

"If that's your wish", he sighed and kissed your forehead, "can we use a ruin machine as our flower girl? Machines have a way better aim than children. Or Columbina for that matter." "Fine", you shook your head and leaned your forehead against his shoulder, "I love you, crazy."

Dottore chuckled. "Love you too."

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