013. spending a snowy day with them [various]

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contains: character x gn!reader, does a relationship with dottore and several of his clones count as poly?

characters included: alhaitham, cyno, dottore, kaveh, pantalone

warnings: non-sexual nudity in cyno's part (taking a bath together)

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

•   You had asked your partner for a shared vacation for quite some time now

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•   You had asked your partner for a shared vacation for quite some time now. Alhaitham wasn't really the type for big romantic gestures or trips and he was the kind of man who liked his job enough to decide he just didn't need a vacation, or at least one that would require him to leave Sumeru City. But since he was due for another research paper, he decided to expand his reach beyond Sumeru and study some ancient runes on the border between Fontaine and Snezhnaya. Part of it was specifically to get you that vacation you wanted because he's soft for you.

•   What he didn't expect (or WANT for that matter) was for his roommate to tag along. Kaveh wanted some inspiration for his newest architecture project and was also too broke to function on his own without Alhaitham there, so he just came with you on the trip.

•   Alhaitham hated when Kaveh spent time with you. Not because he was jealous but because you two were absolutely insufferable together. On this fine day "insufferable" included Alhaitham trying to find some ruins and being hit with a snowball on the shoulder by you. He turns to you with a deadpan expression and speaks calmly. "Y/n, I love you but I'm trying to read the-"

•   He can't finish his sentence when another snowball hits him directly in the face, this time thrown by Kaveh who didn't have as much mercy as you. "You know, I could leave you in a cave in the mountains and no one would ever find your body", Alhaitham gave a dry reply to his roommate with his typical slightly arrogant attitude.

•   Kaveh didn't listen and neither did you, having the time of your life throwing snowballs after Alhaitham as revenge for all the times he had teased the two of you. What you didn't expect was for Alhaitham to put up a fight and throw back. Or rather, you didn't expect him to win against two people only by himself. This is how the three of you ended up in a cave around a campfire, soaked from the snow, with you tightly snuggled against Alhaithams warm body and Kaveh left to suffer by himself. "You see, this is your own fault. I told you to stop throwing snow at me like a child the first time you did it but you didn't want to listen", Alhaitham calmly stated but you could see the hint of a smile on his face because he was definitely enjoying how you were clinging to him desperately to get rid of the cold.

•   He had three blankets wrapped around you to make sure you wouldn't get sick and he kissed your forehead gently. "Do we have a blanket left for me?", Kaveh gave Alhaitham an annoyed look. "No." "You're such an asshole."Alhaitham even grills you a couple of marshmallows or sausages over the fire, chuckling to himself when Kaveh accidentally drops his into the fire and reaches for a new one. Alhaitham holds your hands to warm them and nuzzles your cheek. "I didn't go overboard with the snow right? If so, I apologize", his voice sounds softer now and his lips form a smile when he realizes you had already fallen asleep leaning against his body.

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