025. amusement park date [various]

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contains: character x gn!reader, modern au, a little bit of crack, a bit of making out w/ pantalone (nothing suggestive tho), scara still has his vision

characters included: kaveh, pantalone, wanderer

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

•   Believe it or not, Kaveh has actually been saving his money for this trip for months

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•   Believe it or not, Kaveh has actually been saving his money for this trip for months. Granted, Alhaitham had to remind him repeatedly that he'd been wanting to go there with you for ages and that he better get a grip if he wanted to make it a reality, but Kaveh eventually did it.

•   The date at the amusement park was actually a birthday gift for you (along with a painting that Kaveh drew, trying to portray his love for you with colors!) and he was so happy to see that you liked it! Though....Kaveh at times seemed actually more excited than you.

•   In the last two weeks before the trip you'd often get messages like "only 8 more days!!!" from Kaveh.

•   When the day is finally here, Kaveh wakes up at an ungodly hour in the morning and attempts to wake you up with his kisses. He'd press soft kisses to your temple and nuzzles your cheek gently. "Kaveh....love....just 10 more minutes", you mumble against his lips before kissing back sleepily and then burying your head in his chest. Kaveh will carry you out of bed if he has to.

•   He puts on a colorful shirt with a triangle pattern and a deep v-neck and wears a loose-fitting jacket over it. He adds a bunch of accessories, including big creole earrings, to his outfit and straight up looks like he's been hired to model at the amusement park.

•   Already takes a bunch of pictures with you on the way there. His favorite is the one where he's giving you a sweet kiss to the cheek.

•   He goes to the bathroom and leaves his phone on the train seat next to you and you happen to see a notification from Alhaitham texting "stop sending me couple pictures."

•   "I think I can see it!", he tells you excitedly during the last ten minutes of the train ride, trying to spot the amusement park in the distance.

•   Heartbroken over the fact that he has to wait in a line at the entrance. Spends the time listening to his new favorite playlist. He shares his headphones with you and gives you a kiss whenever there's a line in the song that reminds him of his love for you.

•   He adds the amusement park music to his playlist too. Whether they play pop songs or have special themes for their different rides, Kaveh wants to keep them in his memory.

•   He tells you that you can hold his hand in the haunted house if you're scared but he ends up being the one clinging to you.

•   Confused by the mirror labyrinth in the fun house. You're standing there snickering like: "Keep going Kaveh, you'll get there, I believe in you."

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