029. comforting you [zhongli]

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contains: hurt/comfort, zhongli holding you and taking care of you, sleep-deprived love confessions

warnings: reader being sad i guess

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

•   It was one of those days where just sitting idle and trying to make it to the end of the day was hard enough

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•   It was one of those days where just sitting idle and trying to make it to the end of the day was hard enough. You were exhausted and had been crying for a while now, wishing nothing more than to finally be able to fall asleep. You hadn't rested in a while but your mind was keeping you awake despite how tired you were.

•   Thankfully, there was Zhongli. The ex-archon would occasionally stop by your home to ask you whether you wanted to take a walk or have a cup of tea with him. He considered you a dear friend so it was no surprise to you that he came to knock on your door today.

•   After calling him to come in with a shaky voice, Zhongli immediately notices something is wrong when he enters the room and sees you clutching your blanket tightly with your eyes red from crying.

•   He freezes for a second, his mind searching for the proper way to approach this situation. He sits down at the side of your bed. "Hey....want to tell me what's wrong?" The way worry is evident on his facial expression and how he tends to you in such a caring way just moves you to tears more. You were really lucky to have found someone like him. If only he knew how you really felt about him....

•   Zhongli listens to all your worries and he's good at giving advice. He has the right words to cheer you up, squeezing your hand and reassuring you that he'll be here for you. He'll offer you an anecdote from his past, any old legend you might be able to find some hope and comfort in.

•   After talking things out with you, Zhongli makes you a calming tea.

•   Once he has done that, he returns to your bedside, asking you if there's anything else he can do to helpYou hesitate, refusing to look in his eyes. "Can you....can I have a hug?", you quietly ask and Zhongli's expression softens. He gives you a sweet smile. "Of course." Zhongli pulls you into his arms and runs a hand up and down your back to soothe you.

•   It's the first time he embraces you and as soon as you feel the warmth of his skin and how safe and protected you feel being held like this, you wished for it to never end. You close your eyes and listen to Zhongli continuing to cheer you up with his words, this time whispering them softly.

•   He hands you your tea that has meanwhile cooled down. "Are you getting a little better?", he asks, still sounding very concerned about you. You nod and give him a weak smile. "How could anyone stay sad while being held by you like this?" Zhongli chuckles and looks away with a smile. "You seem to enjoy that", there's a hint of a playful smirk on his face. As soon as he hears you chuckle a little as well, his expression softens again and he holds your hand in both of his own.

•   "Well in that case I think we should lay down. You need to rest....if that's alright with you of course", he says. You almost choke on your tea and look up to him. Zhongli just keeps smiling at you.

•   He takes off his coat, tie and vest and lets you finish your tea before laying down next to you in bed and pulling you into his arms. His legs entangled with yours and his arms firmly wrapped around your shoulders you now feel like Zhongli's embrace would keep anything bad away from you, as long as he kept holding onto you. He gently runs his fingertips up and down your back. "You should sleep", he whispers as you comfortably bury your face in his neck.

•   Indeed you were so exhausted and sleep-deprived that you barely registered his words. Nor remembered the fact that he wasn't supposed to know about your feelings for him. "You're so precious to me. Good night, Zhongli", you mumble barely audible and press a soft kiss to the warm skin of his neck before drifting off to sleep.

•   You didn't get to witness how Zhongli's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink upon hearing those words and he held the back of your head and pressed a kiss to your forehead to return the favor, smiling softly against your skin.

•   He didn't know what you were dreaming of but he was definitely curious because eventually you'd nuzzle his neck and mumble a quiet "I love you" in your sleep. He would bring this up once you would wake but for now it was important for you to get your rest.

•   Looking at you sleeping peacefully in his arms like this, Zhongli swears to always be there for you whenever you needed him. That was the least he could do for all the joy and happiness (and Mora) you have brought into his life. "I love you more", he mouths before pulling you even closer and drifting off to sleep himself not soon after.

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