004. investment in our future [pantalone]

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When you woke up, the sun was already setting

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When you woke up, the sun was already setting. At least that was what you could make out from the glimpse to the outside world you could take through the shutters of your hotel room. With a gentle smile, your eyes fell on your sleeping lover, nestled comfortably in your arms. Pantalone was still sound asleep and you suspected he had been ever since the two of you started your little afternoon nap. The travelers who came to Liyue Harbor probably would have scolded you for spending these hours of the day sleeping in the hotel Pantalone had fully booked out instead of exploring the bustling city. But your partner could simply book another trip for the two of you whenever he found the time, if you desired so.

With his messy hair and his peaceful expression, one could have hardly believed he was the richest man in all of Teyvat, if it weren't for the luxury suite he was sleeping in. You pressed a kiss to his forehead and couldn't stop yourself from smiling against his skin. You loved him so much, you struggled to put it into words or even actions. Nothing in the world seemed enough to convey your feelings to him. However this seemed fitting for a man who never had enough, no matter how much wealth and power he possessed. Your love was just one of the many things he could never get enough of. The best of them.

Your hand wandered underneath his shirt to gently draw circles onto his back and shoulders with your fingertips, making him let out a relaxed sigh as he nuzzled your neck. You pressed several kisses to his cheek and noticed how soft his skin was beneath your lips. Pantalone instinctively pulled you closer.

You glanced at the clock on the wall and nudged the 9th harbinger. "Wake up, love", you said quietly and shifted your position to hover over him, brushing strands of hair out of his face before cupping his cheek.

Before he even opened his eyes, Pantalone turned his head to press a kiss to your palm before leaning into your touch. How did he manage to be this adorable?

His beautiful eyes fluttered open and a smile adorned his features as soon as he saw yours. "Good morning", you chuckled quietly before your lips met his. "What time is it?", Pantalone asked with a small crack in his voice. "6pm." "That's not morning", he buried his face in your neck once again and held you tightly against him.

"Don't you fall back asleep, we're supposed to be at the restaurant in two hours", you whispered and kept pressing soft kisses to his forehead, "you booked out the whole thing, remember?" You chuckled as Pantalone pulled the blanket to cover both of you more and squeezed you, holding you tightly against him. "And I can book it out tomorrow too", he hummed and was about to fall back asleep. After telling him that you really wanted to go there today he couldn't just refuse though. He looked at your loving smile and it seemed to wake him up from his drowsy state. He pulled you into a long, passionate kiss and cursed the moment it ended.

Not soon after, the two of you got up to get ready for your dinner date.

Pantalone had chosen a table on a balcony overlooking Liyue Harbor. When you arrived and the waiter brought you there, you marveled at all the lights you could see from here. "Do you like it?", Pantalone gave you a gentle smile as you stared off into the distance happily and he pressed a kiss to your cheek while having his arms wrapped around you. He told you to order whatever you liked on the menu, he'd pay for it. And if you wanted to try multiple things, you could order them as well. It didn't matter to your partner whether you finished the food or not. He had enough Mora to let you try every dish the restaurant had to offer. Although, out of courtesy towards the staff, you decided against that option.

While waiting for your food, after the waiter had lit the candles on the table, you held Pantalone's hand. He looked at you with the most loving expression you had seen from him in a long time and you couldn't help but lift his hand to your lips to press a kiss to his knuckles, a gesture that, even after all this time, still made him a little flustered. "I love you", it just felt right to tell you again, even if he already did every day. "I love you too. So much", you replied and kissed his hand again. Pantalone gently caressed your cheek.

Eventually the waiter brought your food to the table and the two of you shared a nice dinner together. Pantalone always made sure you were enjoying your food; that it was only of the best quality and taste for you. During your dinner, you talked about all sorts of things. The book you read recently; the shenanigans of the other harbingers; strange experiences you had during your work....no matter how long you've been together, conversations with Pantalone were always pleasant. You never ran out of topics to talk about.

After you had finished your dinner, the two of you had put your arms on the railing and were enjoying the view on the city in silence. Pantalone could tell there was something on your mind. "Is there anything you wish to tell me, my love?", he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer. "Well, I.... there's something I've been meaning to give to you", you began, nervousness evident in your voice, "remember that time a couple of months ago when you just gave me this large amount of Mora and told me to invest it in something?" Pantalone chuckled. "Oh, a gift?", he teased and kissed your forehead. It wasn't the first time he had given you an ungodly amount of money to get yourself something you like and it certainly was not the first time you had spent it to get a gift for him instead. He didn't mind either. You didn't have nearly as much money as he did and you knew of his exquisite tastes. He was looking forward to what you came up with each time.

"Well, I've decided to follow your advice and....invest in our future", you said. "You're making me more curious by the second", he let out another sweet chuckle as you reached into your bag to pull something out. It was a small box. Here goes nothing...., you thought as you went down on one knee in front of him, opening the box to reveal a small but intricately designed ring with beautiful diamonds embedded into it. "Will you marry me?", you asked him, your voice shaking a little. Pantalone was speechless for a moment. The seconds passed like an eternity as you awaited his answer. Your anxiety increased as his hand wandered up to his face, hiding his expression behind it. Was he trying to do a very soft facepalm? Was he distressed in some way?

"You do know you could get both of us into trouble, making a Fatui Harbinger cry in public", his voice cracked and he put his hand down again, revealing the tears running down his cheek. You had caught on fairly early that behind his scary business man facade, the man was very emotional. "So is that a yes or?" "Of course that's a yes", he hissed and let out a chuckle, almost as if trying to comprehend what just happened. He pulled you back up on your feet and straight into his arms, letting out quiet sobs only for you to hear as he buried his face in your neck. "I love you so much, you have no idea", he whispered and repeatedly pressed kisses to your neck, your cheek and your lips. His kisses became more sloppy, he held you tightly against him, kissing you passionately while linking his fingers with yours.

You eventually separated from him to catch your breath. You chuckled at his flustered face, pulling the ring out of the box. "I still have to put this on your finger", you reminded him and he gave his hand to you. He marveled at the ring on his hand before giving you another loving kiss. "I love the design, my dearest", he said quietly while hugging you, "you really do know me well." "I chose the design myself. It was custom-made specifically for you", you gave him another kiss and he tried to pull you even closer, as if fearing you'd disappear if he'd let go.

He spent the rest of the evening basically clinging to you. You just made him the happiest man in Teyvat and he was afraid the affections he held for you would overwhelm him, if he didn't show them to you. You spent the rest of the night exchanging kisses, holding each other close, talking and eventually falling asleep in each other's arms. Yes, with Pantalone there was always something to talk about. And for the next weeks you could expect your main topic of conversation to be your upcoming wedding.

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