020. honeymoon [various]

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characters included: pantalone, columbina

warnings: columbina is unhinged. not towards you but she is most definitely unhinged.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

•   He is so happy to be married to youHe will spoil you so much

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•   He is so happy to be married to youHe will spoil you so much. He'll let you pick the destination for your honeymoon and then he'll buy a mansion specifically for the occasion. Everything for you.He doesn't rent it, he buys it. Along with a whole patch of empty beach. So on the anniversaries of your wedding, the two of you can come back to your honeymoon estate and spend some time there.

•   He even hires staff and butlers specifically for your honeymoon. They'll have a bunch of fancy lights and candles and rose petals prepared for when you arrive.

•   You're tired after the long trip so Pantalone picks you up and carries you bridal style through the door.

•   "What would you like to eat, my love?", he puts you down on the luxurious, comfortable sofa and kisses your forehead.

•   Doesn't matter if anything you want doesn't even exist in the country you're currently in, Pantalone will have it shipped to you as soon as possible.

•   He had the staff prepare a warm bath for the two of you with all sorts of expensive products. He holds you close to him for the whole evening and gives you so many loving kisses.

•   "I love you so much... I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you", he whispers and nuzzles your neck when he falls asleep in your arms that night. Your bedroom has the softest bed you have ever been in and the staff has put multiple pillows and blankets in it so when you fall asleep, all you feel around you is either soft bedsheets or Pantalone's hugs. His hair smells so nice after the bath and he looks so peaceful, sleeping in your arms with a smile on his face.

•   He wakes up before you and has the staff prepare breakfast for you. He knows all your favorite foods and he will spoil you. The breakfast is always bigger than necessary for two people so sometimes you scold him about throwing away this much food.

•   He likes to take strolls at the beach with you. Dressed in swimming trousers and a loose, short-sleeved shirt that is nevertheless unnecessarily expensive (think of like,,,, a million dollar hawaii shirt), he walks through the sand with you at sunset.

•   Not really the swimming type. Will do it if you insist though. But complains all the time about how cold the water is.

•   He'd offer to hire professional sandcastle artists to build whatever you want for you but is just as happy if you refuse and want to build one yourself. He doesn't help you though, he doesn't want to stick his fingers into the dirt.

•   Takes you on a romantic boat trip one night. He'll admire your face from the side as you stare out onto the ocean.

•   Chuckles when you point at the dolphins swimming by. "I could buy us a dolphin to take home", he offers. "No. Like,,, I don't even... just don't", you refuse and ruffle his hair.

•   He has hired a band for live music. They can do everything from ballroom dance music to tavern songs to romantic ballads to musical numbers.

•   Would ask you for a dance and just ends up kissing you in the middle of it, paying no mind to the music anymore. He hugs you tightly and buries his face in your neck, whispering about how much you mean to him.

•   Goes inside the ship and comes back a couple of minutes later with a bouquet of red roses to give to you.

•   He wraps his arms around you after you have put the bouquet aside and gives you a gentle kiss.

•   "You know....in a way I understand the electro archon. Eternity sounds wonderful as long as I get to spend it with you", he leans his head against yours as the fireworks or lanterns he ordered for you go off in the distance.

 Eternity sounds wonderful as long as I get to spend it with you", he leans his head against yours as the fireworks or lanterns he ordered for you go off in the distance

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•   That vacation will not be as peaceful and idyllic as Pantalone's but that is something you signed up for when you married this woman.

•   First off, you're gonna be the one planning that honeymoon getaway because the sheer action of deciding on a place and booking it would make Columbina lose her shit and would probably end with 5 dead palace guards and arson.

•   She gives you a thankful kiss and a tight, loving hug when you tell her you'll take care of it.

•   She wears her wedding dress outside of the wedding. She's like "why did I annoy Regrator so much to buy me this dress if I'm only gonna wear it once?" and also loves how pretty the dress is and how it reminds her of your special day so sometimes she'll just show up in places wearing her wedding gown. Including your workplace. Thankfully if you're allied with the Fatui and married to Columbina you likely work in or close to the palace and everyone there is used to Columbinas antics.

•   So yeah one day she shows up in your office in her wedding dress and she made you a little chestnut man out of sticks and chestnuts and drew a face on it and she puts it down on your desk and is like "I made a friend for you" but there is always this definitely unhinged vibe about her that feels like she's one minute from agitated singing and crying if you don't like her gift.

•   She also brought you a whole pie that she baked herself (with Arlecchinos help as disaster control) and she puts kisses all over your face and tells you she loves you so much.

•   These are the moments where she inquires about your progress in organizing the vacation. You decided to postpone it a little because the Tsaritsa had some tasks for the two of you.

•   You had talked to her about your ideas for the honeymoon and she is super excited for it so if you tell her the one you decided on wouldn't work because it was sold out or something she'd cry into your arms and you'd pat her head and tell her you'll find something new for sure and that you'll have a wonderful time as long as you're together.

•   Most of the honeymoon will consist of the two of you being unapologetically tourists and exploring the whole place you're at, taking photos wherever and however you please.

•   If you're at a beach Columbina tells you she has a surprise for you and leads you to a more secluded part of the beach where she buried another tourist in the sand with only the head sticking out and she's like "I made a new friend" and the man is like "please can I leave I don't know who you are...."

•   You get her some nice colorful cocktails and she loves these so much.

•   Would definitely love to swim with you and clings to you in the water, wrapping her arms around your waist and snuggling you.

•   Would sleep in your arms on the sun lounger and occasionally trail kisses down your neck.

•   She loves sharing ice cream with you and linking her fingers with you while holding your hand.

•   The place you're staying at isn't anything fancy, a little cottage near the ocean that has everything you needYou'll definitely do a spa day with her with massages and a hot spring bath and she adores this.

•   Put flowers in her hair pls, it will make her tear up out of happiness. She tells you she loves you and snuggles you.

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