024. when you faint in his arms [dottore]

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notes: just the contrast between how dottore treats his test subjects vs. how dottore treats you shfbsnjfks. idk shit about biology and medicine my only source for this are the couple of times I had to call an ambulance because of dehydration paired with demonic cramps from hell

warnings: fainting + associated symptoms, human experiments (not on the reader), murder, murder threats, needles, medical procedures, reader watches dottore perform the questionable experiments

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

• After spending a long day outside in the cold on Fatui business, you visit Dottore in his lab because he had invited you to tell you more about his research

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• After spending a long day outside in the cold on Fatui business, you visit Dottore in his lab because he had invited you to tell you more about his research.

•   You will never be able to separate Dottore from his questionable human experiments but he was willing to compromise on the test subjects and switch his focus from innocent citizens to the worst of the Snezhnayan prisoners once he realized that made you a lot more willing to discuss that part of his work with him.

•   There is still snow on your head and coat so once Dottore sees you enter his lab, he wraps his large coat, that had previously been draped over a chair, around your shoulders.

•   He kisses your forehead and notices how cold your skin is so he pulls you into a warm embrace as if that alone was enough to warm you over the course of 2-3 minutes.

•   "Would you like to sit down in front of the heater for a while? I can postpone the experiment for half an hour", he offers but you shake your head and grab his hand.

•   Dottore prepares a chair for you before concentrating on his experiment. The subject in question is a middle-aged man who whimpers "Please I have a family" on the metal table. "Nice try, but you killed your family last June and all that's left of them is a couple of limbs. Your file shows the whole photographic slideshow you made of the process", Dottore grabs a bottle from his shelf.

•   "Please, lord, forgive me, I will atone for my sins", the man cries, sending his prayer to the heavens but receiving no answer.

•   "What's in the bottle?", you ask. "Pure alcohol", Dottore turns to you and shows you a model of the human head that's on his desk, "and this is where we put the needle." You were questioning for a moment if he got that right or if you were misunderstanding something.

•   "On the inside of the nostril??", you raised your eyebrows as one of his clones shrugged. "It's a little complicated", he explains.

•   You stood up and walked closer to Dottore as he filled the syringe with the pure alcohol and inserted the needle into the subject.

•   He seemed very concentrated on his work, yet he noticed something was up with you even before you did. In a matter of minutes were feeling dizzy and nauseous. Your legs felt like they were going to give in any minute now and you grabbed onto the table with the experimental tools for support. You were feeling cold, way colder than you had outside in the snow and your limbs were shaking."Y/n, what's wrong?", you suddenly had Dottore's whole attention and he looked at you with a serious expression. Your vision got blurry and you lost your sense of balance, tumbling backwards. Thankfully Dottore caught you before you could get hurt by the fall.

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