027. spa day with him [pantalone]

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notes: just some sweet relaxing moments with pantalone in his private spa and bath house.

warnings: non-sexual nudity

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

•   Pantalone loves to spoil you, everyone knows that

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•   Pantalone loves to spoil you, everyone knows that. Usually it comes in the form of expensive gifts that he just brings home one day whether you know what to do with it or not. He has so much money and he's so weak for you that whenever he sees something he thinks you might like, he gets it for you, no matter the price. But sometimes spoiling you comes in the form of a nice spa day at his private bath house. It's literally just for him and you, no one else uses it.

•   He makes sure you have everything packed before heading off with him and that you're equipped with only the softest towels. He holds your hand all the way there.The entire house just smells like bath salts and perfumes but it's not in a bothersome way but it's actually really nice.

•   He has staff who work there part-time and they get notified everytime he wants to use the place to prepare everything for his arrival, especially when he's bringing you. His staff knows he wants everything to be absolutely perfect for you and meanwhile you're just like "wow look at that cool rock in the window" and mostly focused on spending time with Pantalone. You have to watch your words around that man because you just comment on a pretty crystal you see as decoration and he tells an employee to get that for you immediately. It's yours now. You're taking that home. You learnt that with time, at least after that one time he took you to a banquet and you told him you liked the interior design of the building and he went "it's yours :)" "what?" "I just bought this building for you :)"

•   Before the trip, he inquires what temperature of water you enjoy most and then he makes sure the water of the pool is exactly that temperature.

•   If you have any allergies he's also very adamant about no products being used that could irritate your skin.

•   He's looking forward to relaxing in the bath with you.

Be a menace and push him under a waterfall or sprinklers in the pool. :)

•   "Y/n, I love you dearly and I'm so happy to spend this glbrlrbbrlr-" Pantalone pushes you off and brushes his now wet hair and all that water off of his face. "I spoil you with all of my love and affection and this is how you thank me", he pouts and moves a bit away from the sprinklers just to be sure.

•   If you tease him enough, he'll fight back. You're the only one who gets to see this playful side of him; splashing water at each other while teasing each other and laughing together. And god, Pantalone has one of the most beautiful laughs you've ever heard when it's genuine and he's having a good time.

•   He put some of those pool noodles to the side of the pool in case you wanted to do some water aerobics but you just end up beating each other up with these things. "Granted, this is not how I expected this day was going to go", he chuckles and shakes his head

•   "We're putting you in timeout now", he grabs you and carries you over to one of the waterfalls. You're protesting playfully, trying to splash water into his face again, but he drags you through the waterfall. Just as you're about to attack back, you notice there's actually an artificial cave behind it and when you entered, a hundred tiny fairy lights turn on inside it. Even the water is being lit up with beautiful colors and there's art made out of crystals and pretty stones decorating the walls. Pantalone sits down on one of the benches in the water and pulls you onto his lap, resting his head against your shoulder and sighing happily. "Did you just drag me here for affection?", you smirk at him and press a kiss against his forehead. He lets out a hum and nods, starting to kiss your neck. You close your eyes, enjoying the sensation of his lips on your skin, gently running your fingers through his hair.

•   "Love you", he mumbles against your skin as you absentmindedly twirl the white strand in his hair around your finger. "I love you too", you whisper back softly, holding his face in your hands before kissing his lips gently. At the end of the day, this was all you needed. Sure, the gifts and the fancy locations were an added bonus sometimes but what made you happiest was Pantalone showing his love for you, just kissing you for minutes on end. He just couldn't get enough of your kisses, hardly noticing the time pass for as long as you're in his arms.

•   He provides you with your favorite meal at lunchtime.He has one of those saltwater pools that let you float on the water if you lean back. The temperature is a bit warmer than in the regular pool and it makes the water feel a bit like a comforting blanket. You let yourself float on the water and you see that the ceiling above the pool has been painted to depict the night sky realistically. Pantalone also hired some people to play slow songs on the piano and the harp for you, so the two of you just lay there for a while, holding hands and staring at the painting while enjoying the beautiful music in the background. Pantalone specifically told the musicians to play your favorite songs.

•   He talks with you about whatever you'd like to discuss, eventually shifting his position to be standing in the pool instead of floating, so you can you lean your head against his chest.

•   He has a sauna but you keep wondering why even because he doesn't last 5 minutes in there. He just complains it's too hot for him and wants to leave.

•   After exiting the bath, the two of you take a shower and he just keeps holding you, almost falling asleep with his head on your shoulder and the warm water falling down onto you. He kisses your forehead and tells you how much he loves you once more, linking his fingers with yours.

•   He dries you up with the towel and he's super gentle with it too and presses a kiss to your cheek when he's done.

•   Pantalone gets a manicure and pedicure and offers you one too if you want one.

•   Has hired professionals for giving massages but he gets slightly jealous after like 5 minutes and wants to do it himself. Not like you're complaining. You relax and let him massage your shoulders and back. The bonus of Pantalone doing it is that you get several kisses littered over your shoulder blades and neck.

•   He swoons so much if you massage his shoulders in return. He literally falls asleep because he hasn't been as relaxed as this in ages. He does so much desk work and paperwork that he has so much tension in his back and shoulder muscles. He looks so adorable when he's asleep too. Like a soft little angel. Almost makes you forget that he scams people for a living and is responsible for a few unfortunate deaths when they can't pay their debts.

•   He sleeps with a smile on his face because he just loved that affection he got from you so much. You can't bring yourself to just wake him up again so you cover him with a towel and sit down on a chair beside him for a while, caressing his shoulders with your fingertips for a while and running a hand through his hair. He still leans into your touch even when he's sound asleep.

•   You two leave the private spa in the evening when it's already dark, Pantalone having ordered a carriage to pick you up and drive you back to the palace. You sit there next to him with that huge decorative crystal you found pretty in your lap, already debating where the hell you're supposed to put that and Pantalone is like "do you like your gift? :) ✨"

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