016. when you wake up from a nightmare [various]

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contains: character x gn!reader, hurt/comfort, established relationship, no warnings

characters included: alhaitham, baizhu, pantalone

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

•   When you awoke, jolting up as a shiver ran down your spine, the first thing you noticed were your hands shaking uncontrollably

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•   When you awoke, jolting up as a shiver ran down your spine, the first thing you noticed were your hands shaking uncontrollably. The second thing you noticed were Alhaithams hands steadily placed onto your shoulders.

•   With a glance to your right you could see one of the book he was currently reading placed on his nightstand. It seemed as though he woke up early again and decided to spend his time studying and reading as always. Although your skin was still feeling cold and you were quivering, Alhaithams presence immediately made you feel more at ease. He always did. He brought you solidity; like a pillar of logic and realism ready for you to hold onto and ground yourself when you needed it. Just like now, when he pulled you into his chest, gently running his fingers up and down your back as he patiently waited for your breathing to calm, holding you close and covering you with the blanket a little more to try and ease the shaking with his warmth.

•   Alhaitham always felt to you like a presence distant from everything else around you. A quiet observer, content and happy just studying the way of the world. And when he accepted you into his life, he let you into that little bubble of his; sharing his time with you, letting you sit idly with him as he followed his path uncaring of what anyone else thought of him or did. You knew this was only partially true, but he often seemed unaffected by their actions, like a lone moon orbiting a planet in the peaceful depth of space. And when he explained things to you; when you got to look at the world from his perspective, everything else seemed so small. You, too, could become an observer and in those moments nothing bad could ever reach you.

•   "It seems the return of dreams to the people of Sumeru did cause some troubles, hm?", he pondered, pressing a kiss to your forehead and then a soft peck to your lips, "don't worry. They're just dreams, they can't hurt you. And anything that can, never will, as long as I'm around." He said this so calmly; factual and confident, that you couldn't help but believe his words. Your lips slowly stopped shivering the more he placed kisses onto them and gently nibbled on them.

•   You've been laying there for a while now, Alhaitham talking to you about the content of your nightmare and easing any concerns you might have with rational suggestions and some profound truths at his disposal. When he realized you had calmed down enough from the initial shock, he reached for his book again. "Would you like to know about this book I'm reading?", he asked quietly, letting you get comfortable with your head rested on his chest as he was now sitting up and leaning against the bedframe, skimming through the pages. To someone else, this suggestion might have seemed like he had spectacularly failed to read the room, but to you? You knew he was trying to distract you and make you forget about your troubles.

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