029. flowers for pantalone

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notes: some headcanons about what kind of bouquet would fit pantalone based on the flower's meaning and how he'd react to you giving them to him! might make more of these with other characters! ❤️

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

╰┈➤ red tulips — perfect and deep love

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╰┈➤ red tulips — perfect and deep love

the most common symbolism of tulips is "perfect and deep love". red tulips in particular stand for passion and eternal love. they're perfect to convey your feelings of love to pantalone, signaling the wish for your relationship to last forever. your bond with pantalone is one filled with passion; constantly supporting each other to reach new heights of greatness. his business partners and wealthy aquaintances commonly regard you two as a power couple; passionate about what you do and capable of shaking heaven and earth if someone dare challenge you. pantalone is on a path to pursuing radical change; however your love is something both of you wish to remain as solid as stone. you may be a force to be reckoned with in public but when the two of you are together in private, one could practically feel the deep adoration you feel for one another. when he's alone with you, pantalone only has eyes for you and he wishes for nothing more in those moments than for these feelings to be returned in full. when he's with you it's like everything glows and your love has a strength that may outlast even the hardest times and disasters.

 when he's with you it's like everything glows and your love has a strength that may outlast even the hardest times and disasters

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╰┈➤ alyssum — worth beyond beauty

alyssum as a flower means "worth beyond beauty" and "sweetness of soul". day by day pantalone moves in a world that is quite shallow and superficial; attending gatherings for the wealthy is a big part of his job and as such, he witnesses the full spectrum of vanity. aside from himself, you're the one reminding him of what truly makes him remarkable; the qualities hiding beneath the surface, always there and present in his schemes but truly visible only to those he trusts fully. you're privy to seeing into his heart, witnessing the full extent of his intelligence and also the sides of him no one but you gets to see. how he can actually be very sweet and how much he adores you whenever he has the time to. in private, pantalone is sweet. he prepares baths for you after a long, stressful day with only the most luxurious products; he has his moments of holding you close in his arms and telling you what's on his heart; all the unconditional love he feels for you and tries to put into words once in a while. he's mindful of you and your needs; he makes sure you feel valued and appreciated. he doesn't shy away from complimenting you and letting you know exactly what he loves about you. pantalone is so sweet to you and only you; he's sensitive but hardly fragile and he's so much more than a pretty face with worldly power. you make sure he never forgets that.

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