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Jalen P.O.V
I quickly scarfed down my bowl of "Oops All Berries" before throwing my bowl in the sink and running to the front door.

"Jay!" I heard making me groan.

"Yes ma?" I replied fixing my backpack strap on my back before turning around looking at her.

"Don't be hanging out with that boy tonight. Go to school, practice, then straight home. Your grandma is coming over here tonight and I expect you to here to help clean up the house while I make dinner. Do you understand?" She asked me as I nodded my head.

"Use your words Jalen," my father spoke as I looked at him.

"Yea. I mean yes I understand. I'll be year. Could I have some gas money dad?" I asked him as he rolled his eyes reaching into his pocket handing me some money. "Thank you. Love you guys see you later,"

I walked outside to my car sighing at how cold it was and quickly got in starting it up. I turned on some music to get my day started before pulling out of the driveway and heading to school. The drive wasn't that long since ro didn't stay far from my school. I stopped my car and parked deciding to sit in it for a while since it wasn't time for class yet.

From "JC🏀":
You here yet?

I read making me roll my eyes before getting out of my car and walking into the school building. I walked to my locker seeing Josh and Kevin standing there talking. Most of the team all had their lockers together.  I was the team captain and Kevin was my co-captain. Together we were unstoppable which is probably why our team hasn't lost a game this season. It was our senior year so of course we were going hard. It was January so naturally we only had a few months of the season left. We were doing everything we could to get the scouts attention and it was working seeing as how we both had offers from good schools.

I know Kevin wanted to go straight to the NBA and he had the talent to. Me on the other hand I wanted to study Sports Medicine. I loved sports and I knew that going into medicine would be a good idea so I said why not? Then the more I looked into it the more I actually started to like what I was seeing. It's definitely an important role for athletes.

I was somewhat of a...nerd. Well that's what Kevin called me even though he was just joking. Kevin was my best friend and we had grown up together always playing with eachother on the same team. Our parents were really close too. I think they also went to school together. It's crazy. Anyway, I was nerd. I loved to read and write, and I had really good grades. Like I was probably going to end up being the Valedictorian or either the Salutatorian. I couldn't play sports if my grades weren't good and I didn't want more reasons to get my ass whooped so I made sure I was always on top of my game.


"Wassup Jay," Kevin greeted dapping me up.

"Hey. Whats going on down there?" I spoke as he chuckled.

"Prom court starting already. Niggas so excited they started months in advance," Josh spoke making me chuckle.

"Couldn't be me. I would never plaster my face around the school," I told them shaking my head.

"You mena more than it already is Mr. Deans list and Mr. Basketball captain," Josh spoke making me roll my eyes.

Jealous much?

"That's not my choosing though. I don't ask them to post me they just do. It's no-,"

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