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Jalen P.O.V
I sat up in my bed sighing not ready to face my messages. It was Monday morning and I had been ignoring everyone who had text me. Including Kevin who was not happy about it. Judging by his message he sent me, he was more than not happy.

I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth having taken my shower last night. I got dressed in some grey sweats with a white t-shirt and my grey hoodie to match. I put on a little cologne before walking down stairs seeing my dad heading out the door.

"See ya dad," I spoke making him stop and turn around.

"Are you ok?" He asked me hugging me briefly before heading back toy he door.

"Yea. Just tired," I told him a she nodded his head.

"Ok. Don't wear yourself out son. I'll see you later have a good day. I love you," he spoke as I nodded my head.

"I won't and I love you too dad," I spoke walking into the kitchen and making myself a cup of coffee. I poured creamer I to it before putting it into my personalized coffee mug. Funny enough Kevin bought this for me. I was in love with basketball and needed something to carry my coffee in when I traveled so he bought it for me. I laughed hard as fuck when I saw it. Hilarious.

I grabbed my book bag and my gym bag and walked outside jumping seeing Kevin standing in the snow looking at me.

"Unlock the car," he spoke making me click the button that unlocked the car. He got into the passenger seat as I sighed before walking over tot he car and putting my stuff into it. I got into the drivers seat and started up the car making sure I turned the heat on.

"Are you hungry? Cause I was gonna stop at McDonald's or something-,"

"I'm good...lemme ask you something...why the fuck you answer no calls or text from nobody yesterday then acted like you couldn't answer yo door? I've been knowing you since you were a kid and you've done way more embarrassing shit than that so for you to ignore me like that is crazy. Then Peyton text you too and you ignored her like you you did yo big one huh?" He asked me as I sighed.

"I'm sorry bro I was just too embarrassed to talk to anyone. I felt ashamed of how I acted and just wanted to be alone. I did some studying and just stayed in my room all day yesterday. I'm sorry for not answering yo calls and texts, but I just wanted to be alone," I told him as he nodded his head.

"You couldn't have just said that shit?" He asked me as I pulled into the schools parking lot after he said that. The rest of the car ride was quiet.

I parked the car and turned it off looking over at him.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked him as he sighed.

"I mean, it's yo phone and you grown you can do whatchu want I'm just saying that's weird for you to leave like that and then ignore me, but it's whatever. I'm over it. Just don't do that shít again I thought yo ass finally snapped," he spoke making me chuckle.

"I'm not going to hurt myself Kevin. I was really just embarrassed," I told him as he nodded his head. "We good?"

"Yea we good nigga," he spoke dapping me up as we both got out of the car together. We walked into the building together and headed over to our lockers where Josh was standing putting his coat into his.

"Wassup y'all," he spoke dapping me up.

"Hey Josh," I greeted back opening my locker.

"Sup nigga," Kevin's replied making me smack my lips.

"Why you so aggressive nigga?" He asked Levin as he chuckled.

"That's how I am. Quit crying," he replied making Josh hit him causing Kevin to hit him back.

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