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Jalen P.O.V
I sat down on the bed at the hotel and sighed watching as Kevin walked in behind me. We haven't said one word to each other. Not one. For whatever reason, Josh wasn't here either. No one had seen him or heard from him and I didn't know why, but I was honestly glad to not see him. I just knew I would probably start freaking out.

I really thought he was my fucking friend. I'm never trusting a new person again.

"Jalen, you dropped yo wallet," I heard as Kevin threw my wallet onto the bed next to me. I grabbed it and checked it to make sure nothing fell out. I needed a new wallet so I wouldn't be surprised if a card or something fell out. "I ain't steal shit Jay you ain't have to check yo wallet,"

"I wasn't doing that because of you. I was making sure that-,"

"I was joking Jay. I know. Relax. Look Jalen, I don't wan-,"

"It's fine. You had every right to push me. You didn't want me to kiss you so you reacted like that. It's ok. I shouldn't have kissed you and it didn't mean anything I was just vulnerable and I wanted to be loved by someone and I thought maybe that someone would be you, but I know you don't love me in that way and that's ok. I messed up, but I won't ever do it again. I was just all over the place but I'm good now. Just because I was assaulted doesn't give me the right to go around assaulting people just because I was upset. I'm sorry Kevin and it won't happen again. Let's not talk about it though because I want to focus on the game and the game only and I said my piece. Besides, I know you're with Nia and shit so sorry to her too," I spoke as he looked at me and walked closer to me.

"Jalen...I only pushed you awa-,"

"Kevin you don't have,•

"Lemme talk Jay. Seriously. You were vulnerable and shit and I wasn't tryna take advantage of you. Besides, aren't you with Darnell or Peyton? Like aren't you dating and shit? You seemed kinda upset and I just don't understand why. Like you got feelings for me or something? You never once made any moves at me or said anything besides that one night when I said I'd take yo virginity and shit. And that was just us only talking about fucking. It shocked me and I ain't know how to react so I pushed you. And yea I'm talking with Nia, but Jalen...you my best friend. You know I have love for you," he spoke as I shook my head.

"Just not that type of love right? I get it Kev-,"

"No, I just...I ain't gone lie. The same way you said you'd rather have someone else take yo virginity and shit because you wouldn't want to ruin our friendship is how I feel. I mean Im around you 24/7 basically. Not as much lately, but normally I am. Of course the thought of being with you has crossed my mind more than one time...a lot actually, but you never showed any interest in me and then you started telling me how much you like Peyton and now Darnell, I just, I like being that for you. Someone you can talk about those things with and it's ok if we're only ever best friends. I know that's what you want and I feel like that's what's good for us. No drama, no relationships, and I'll always have you as a best friend. You never wanted me Jay so I never tried any shit because I wasn't tryna make anything weird. Of course, I'm like attracted to you and shit, but I know all we'll ever be is friends. Which is another reason I ain't let you kiss me. I just put those thoughts and feelings away and you tryna bring them back out by kissing me," he spoke chuckling at the end.

"Yea, I wouldn't want to lose you as a friend which is what I said the first time about not taking it there with you. I was just sad and vulnerable so I kissed you. I don't have feelings for you and don't have feelings for me. Can we just forget that it happened?" I asked him.

"You never once thought about me in that way besides that night when I talked about taking yo shit?" He asked me quietly.

"No...I've always said that I didn't look at you that way because you were my best friend and I never wanted our relationship to change and I didn't want to lose you. I don't know what happened that night...emotions were high and you let me cuddle with you and I just felt loved...but I wanted more and you rejected me and the feelings that I thought I may have had for you kind of disappeared when you rejected me. The reality and embarrassment set in and I already feel bad enough so I just...yea," I told him as he nodded his head walking closer.

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