Chapter 17: Future Onward

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Seoul, South Korea.

Moments later.


Yeonjun stood with me all morning until he needed to return to his activities. I was glad he came and gave me the kind welcome I fancied. - After Yeonjun left, I told my aunt to notify the university and my friends about my condition. But later, I was alone inside the room, with nothing else to do. My phone was beside me this entire time; however, the thought of the current social media downfall made me anxious. Yeonjun already told me some things that had occurred and revealed that Blake Stevens was on the run. I expected that to happen; it should worry me, but it doesn't.

Currently, I'm thinking about the new identity, the upcoming interviews, and the things I have to change only to move on from my past. – It irritates me whenever my thoughts come recklessly inside my head, reminding me that nothing is as I planned. Several projects I had will have modifications due to my social history, and many of my goals got erased after analyzing my current situation.

—It seems you can't find any sleep – my aunt spoke while walking inside the room.

—Is it obvious? I thought I did a great job with my acting skills – I sarcastically said, making my aunt snicker at my comment.

—Kai, if you want to leave the hospital. You have to rest, and you know that – my aunt said before sitting on the chair beside me.

—There are better things to do than sleeping, Hana – I said before taking a deep breath.

—Like what? – my aunt asked.

—My new life – I mentioned. Immediately my aunt looked at me, concerned.

—Kai, have you thought about it already? – my aunt asked, stunned.

—Yes. There is nothing else I want more about right now – I admitted while looking upset.

—Do you consider your new identity more valuable than Choi Yeonjun? – My aunt asked, somewhat earnestly.

—What? – I confusedly questioned while looking at my aunt, redness creeping into my cheeks—. Hana, please. Yeonjun has nothing to do with my new identity, so it doesn't make sense that you compare him to that – I pointed out.

—It bothers you to know that Yeonjun disapproves of your plans. Am I right? – My aunt questioned.

—Everyone has their opinion, and I'm glad that he spoke without holding anything back – I admitted while staring at my aunt, quite annoyed.

—You got pleased, you know? Yeonjun disagreed with you, but somehow, you convinced him it was the best alternative for your life – my aunt disclosed, causing me to sigh and look at my hands.

I began to move my fingers, starting to get slightly anxious—. I don't want others to know me only because of my tragedies. And since I'm not planning to leave Seoul, everybody will remember my name and my past, – I explained, feeling sad about the road ahead.

"It is hard to keep going, but I told Yeonjun I would try. After all, he's the only one I have next to me," I thought.

My aunt held my hand, making me focus on the current conversation.

—Your current position isn't easy to overcome; however, you must learn from this experience. Remember that – my aunt voiced before I nodded in response—. Now, tell me, what have you thought about your new life?

—A new name, a new place to live, and change my objectives in life – I mentioned slightly sorrowful.

—It seems you aren't very convinced – my aunt noticed.

—I'm not, but I want to live comfortably with myself. Thus, I have to make some sacrifices to get what I desire – I said before looking back at my aunt—. I already thought about another name.

—Have you? Well, which one did you choose? – My aunt curiously asked.

—Jordan. Jordan Kamal – I revealed before taking a deep breath—. I believe keeping a name will suit me; after all, many know me by Huening Kai – I explained, waiting for my aunt's opinion.

—Jordan. It is a pretty name, and I'm glad you chose: 'Kamal.' But do you honestly want my approval? – My aunt questioned.

—Yes – I nodded, feeling slightly anxious.

My aunt smiled slightly, knowing I wanted someone else's opinion—. Do you want to call Yeonjun? – My aunt suddenly asked. She read my mind.

—No, no, he's busy right now! – I worriedly said while shaking my hands, then resting my back against the wall—. Hana, I know that Yeonjun won't approve – I admitted before covering my face, feeling the frustration taking over me.

—Kai, I know it's hard to start from nothing. But I'm sure that Yeonjun will love to call you Jordan; he will always support your decisions – my aunt spoke, trying to cheer me on.

—I'm scared, Hana. He's the only friend I currently have next to me. And I don't want to lose our friendship due to the things I fancy and want to change – I recognized while closing my eyes, attempting to endure the emotions inside me.

—There's something I can do for you, dear. I'll reach Nathan (Yeonjun's manager) for you. And ask him if Yeonjun can come today. Alright? – My aunt said before I nodded in response. Then, I placed my hands away from my face, shortly staring back at my aunt—. Those tears aren't necessary, Kai. You are worrying too much; it isn't good for your health – my aunt said while removing the tears from my cheeks.

—Hana. Before you make the call, I want to tell you something else - I said, ignoring what she previously said.

—What is it? – My aunt asked.

—When the interviews end, I wanted to know if I could move out of your house. Throughout the years, you were the one to be there for me like my mom would want. But I believe it is time for me to give you the space you deserve – I sincerely said while looking at my aunt with dull eyes.

—After you returned from Australia, I knew you would want to move out and live the next chapter of your life as an independent boy. So, I don't have any complaints about your decision, but do you know where you want to live? – My aunt curiously questioned while smiling at me.

I nodded—. I thought about a small house near the countryside. I already saw some options when I was in Australia, but I could always search for new possibilities – I disclosed while slightly grinning back at my aunt.

—Alright. You need to grow up at some point. Right? – My aunt smiled before placing my hair behind my ear—. I trust you will rebuild your life as you want, and I'm sure you will make the right decisions.

—I promise I won't make the same mistakes. I can take care of myself, and this time, I mean it – I sincerely spoke before grinning back at my aunt, hoping she would trust me in the upcoming chapter of my life.

"I only need to know what Yeonjun thinks. His opinion is essential for me; after all, I only have someone to lean on, and that's him," I thought, concerned. 

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