Round 34

12 1 0

Date: 14th August 2015

Time: 4:28pm

"So how was the medication, Robin?"

Worked like a broken toy. Nothing fucking happened whatsoever and I would kindly appreciate it if you got me on a bigger dose than the shit 10mg.

/Just go up straight to 40. That way you'll surely die when you do that overdose./

"Lets see, we'll put you up onto 20 and see how that goes."

Yes! I got it!! The bigger dosage is mine for the taking!

"Oh wait, it says here under 18's can't have it."

Shit. Well, um, surely you can forget about that rule since my depression really is getting me down. Ya know, please?

"I'll look for other antidepressants that will be available for her."

Okay, good. I need this medication.

"All of the ones here aren't allowed for under 16's. I'll call Tanya to see her opinion on this."

Ok, please say yes Tanya, please oh please.

"She said that you have to get your psychiatrist to allow the medication."

Shit. Shit shit shit. Obviously June is gonna say no. I mean, she thinks I'm getting better. Truthfully I'm not, it's just a facade that everyone is falling for. But I guess I can try, right?

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