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"wait sir you forgot your—"

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"wait sir you forgot your—"

As the door shut behind me the rest of the cashiers sentence cut out, allowing me to enjoy the brief silence I was allowed before I had to step back into the Black SUV.

After popping open the bottle in my hand, I took a swig of the hard liquor , enjoying the burning sensation it gave me as it snaked down.

a bottle a day to keep the thoughts away.

that's my motto.

"you ready?" I heard from the drivers seat.

I turned and looked over at the man who sat in the seat, Jermaine, and gave him a bored expression.

If I left the store, I'm now sitting in the car, and I clearly have what I came for in my hand...then what the fuck does it look like?

He took note of my expression and spoke, "got it gang—not a fan of talking,"

Rather than speak I looked ahead at the road and he got the hint, finally beginning to drive.

Wasn't even that I didn't like talking, that was just a simplified way of explaining it.

I just didn't find the point in it most of the time, people were literally wasting their breath on saying shit that would be easier if they just did it.

I speak when absolutely necessary, it just happened that I never found it to be a necessity most of the time.

Shit was a chore, first I gotta inhale the air, then I gotta open my mouth to speak, then I have to actually speak, and depending on the length of the sentence—now I gotta breathe again.

nah, not when I can just do the action.

That's exactly why people know me for being silent now, cause of that mindset I had.

"did you at least scare that old nigga in 'nere—he better have our money on Friday or bossman ain't gonna be happy, 'specially cause he been late the last two times." Jermaine ranted.

I nodded in response which prompted him to speak again.

"good, good shit Red." He nodded.

My silence never stopped me from handling my business, I got shit done regardless.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now