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"So what's your last name?" I asked, looking over at Saint who sat on the opposite couch

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"So what's your last name?" I asked, looking over at Saint who sat on the opposite couch.

"Leffeti." He replied.

I'd gotten him to agree to answer some friendship questions tonight. I mean outside was chaos, death, and disaster, so I felt like if we were gonna be in here, then we might as well be productive.

After he told me he wanted to be my friend, I couldn't hold in the giddiness, I'm sure it was odd—but I genuinely hadn't had a friend in so long., it was just nice to finally have something good in my life for once.

Plus it explained his actions a lot more and it calmed my anxiety not having to worry if this was all a murderous scheme or not.

"Woah that sounds cool, I've never heard it," I stated. The way he said it made it sound like a different language, I'm sure that was just the correct dialect and pronunciation, but still.

"Yeah, I'm half Samoan." He told me simply.

"What, oh my god—Like the Rock!?" I asked immediately.

He looked at me for a moment, and again, I swear he looked like he wanted to laugh.

"You know The Rock right, the guy with the eyebrow and the bald head?" I asked, attempting to lift my eyebrow like he does, though I don't think it came off as well.

"you look stupid as hell doin' that, stop," Saint spoke, shaking his head with a smile.

A small smile, but still a smile, I've never seen him smile, like ever.

Now on our first day of being friends, I'd already gotten him to crack one, that's gotta be worth something.

"—and yeah I know the Rock." He added.

Now his giant stature made a lot more sense, most Samoans I see on social media were built like professional wrestlers.

"What about you," he asked, "—your last name."

Sadness kinda ate at me after that since obviously I had my dad's last name, but I ignored it

"It's Cho," I explained.

"Cho?" He asked, "where that's from?"

"I'm Korean." I specified, causing him to nod.

"Yeah I—" I paused for a moment to yawn before speaking, "I only ever really spoke the language with my grandparents though—so it's been a while."

"You should sleep, you tired." He stated.

We've been talking for about an hour honestly, basically just getting to know the simple things about each other, birthdays, favorite colors, favorite foods.

Most stuff Saint didn't care about, but it was still nice to know more about him.

"Yeah, you're right." I agreed, yawning again. I didn't sleep at all last night because I was trying to help him. Plus it's been a...long day to say the least so yeah I was exhausted.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now