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As my truck came to a stop, I craned my neck to the left slightly, just to get a glimpse of the building Lucien and his partners had set up this "meeting" with Saduj

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As my truck came to a stop, I craned my neck to the left slightly, just to get a glimpse of the building Lucien and his partners had set up this "meeting" with Saduj.

After parking a little bit away from the building, I took a couple of minutes to run everything through my head, every outcome, or at least the highest likely possibilities.

I'd been in life-and-death situations before, more often than not honestly, but lately, I've had to approach them differently.

Usually, carelessness is what made me so good at what I did because I was truly willing to do anything if it meant I was getting paid. I was comfortable with doing what I had to do to make money or dying in an attempt.

I couldn't do that anymore, not when I actually had people I cared about, and who depended on me.

That...complicates things, only because being careful complicated things.

After releasing a breath, I grabbed the rest of my guns, tucked what I could, and began walking ahead into the building.

It wasn't busy inside, but it also wasn't exactly empty, there were a pretty good amount of people inside, which again, complicated things.

With my usual cold demeanor, I continued walking, only to be stopped by a woman at the front desk.

"um sir?" She called out, causing me to slow my pace before stopping entirely.

"Are you looking for something specific, this building holds a multitude of different--"

"no," I stated simply.

Amongst all the other shit that complicated things, the fact that Lucien was having this meeting held outside of Sidon may just be the worst.

So much shit that I could get away with back home just wouldn't work here without somebody growing suspicious.

I mean look, this nosey bitch is already suspecting something, and all I've done so far is walk a couple of feet.

Her job isn't to ask if anyone needs help, she's there in case anyone decides to ask her for help.

The moment I cut her off, she shifted her neck back, almost like she was appalled.

Her body language was already suspicious, it was obvious.

"well are you sure, this building can be pretty intimidating to new guests?" she continued.

Her arms were already folded, and just by the way she sounded when she pressed that question, again it was obvious, she was prying.

See how being careful now complicates shit, because now I have to play this bitches game, and win, rather than blowing her head off.

"Who said anything about me being new?" I questioned, folding my arms over my chest now, tilting my head slightly to the right as I spoke, eyebrows pinched as I played confused.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now