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"I gotchu, I gotchu," I whispered, rubbing Khalil's back soothingly as he continued to throw up the entirety of his body weight in the toilet

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"I gotchu, I gotchu," I whispered, rubbing Khalil's back soothingly as he continued to throw up the entirety of his body weight in the toilet.

He's been like this for a week, nonstop—shit was starting to worry me honestly, to the point where I was contemplating taking him to a hospital, even if I didn't exactly trust the ones down here.

He told me it was a stomach bug, which I trusted him on since he was the nurse.

That had also made sense because his stomach has been so sensitive for the last month—but I'm just not understanding why this shit is lasting so long.

All the medication he asked me to get him was fucking useless because clearly, that shit wasn't working.

"T-this sucks." He groaned, falling back against the wall.

"yeah—we might gotta go to a hospital angel.." I mumbled.

"but you said they're bad!" He panicked, immediately holding onto his head after the outburst.

"yeah.." I sighed, shaking my head in thought

"Imma figure something out, just c'mon—you need to get back in bed," I spoke, standing to my feet.

He nodded at that, clearly exhausted—which meant that as usual, I had to carry him back to the bed.

I guess it was a good thing I fixed this after breaking it last week—who knew that a week later he'd basically be bedridden.

"what's happening to me." He whined lowly after I laid him down, eyes swelling with tears.

"Relax baby—it'll pass, shit like this probably happens to other people all the time." I tried to comfort.

"But I don't understand—if it was something I ate, then why aren't you sick—we've eaten the exact same things every day." He frowned.

I stayed silent as I climbed on the bed and cuddled in behind him, holding him in my arms.

I still didn't like beds, particularly sleeping in them —but I found that if I focused all my attention and thoughts on Khalil I'd usually be okay, he'd calm all the noise.

"Does your stomach hurt?" I asked.

"No—that's the thing I don't understand, it doesn't hurt, I just keep throwing up, and I feel so bloated—which fucking sucks." He ranted.

"All the throwing up has also given me a headache, which doesn't help my situation at all." He frowned.

I stayed silent and kissed his cheek, using my left hand to rub gentle circles over his stomach while I did so.

"Imma give it an hour—if still ain't feelin' good after that, I'm taking you somewhere," I stated.

"Where?" He mumbled.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now