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With a sigh, I placed the spare key Saint had given me into the lock and turned, exhausted after what felt like the longest work day of my life

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With a sigh, I placed the spare key Saint had given me into the lock and turned, exhausted after what felt like the longest work day of my life.

Once I was in, I closed the door behind me and removed both my shoes and jacket, placing the latter on the coat rack.

When I turned back around and began to make my way into the living room area, I spotted Saint—who seemed to have just arrived as well.

He was loosening the cuffs around his wrists, the collar of his dress shirt had already been unbuttoned and popped.

Once he saw me he shook his head and scoffed, and just from that alone, I already knew what the problem was.

"Listen I need the money, I couldn't just call out." I began, defending myself.

"you're dumb as shit." He stated simply, shaking his head.

"Because I want to go to work, because I'm not satisfied being your house guest for the foreseeable future?" I questioned, squinting my eyes in question.

"Because you constantly put yourself in danger, no matter how many times I keep warning you, it's like you get off to the shit—maybe that's what it is?" He replied.

"there's no fuckin' rush for you to go—Im not actively kickin' you out so why even risk your life over one day of work?" He argued

"I took a cab to and from work, I didn't risk my life in any way, all I did was complete my shift and come back here—so I'm failing to understand how that makes me an idiot," I stated.

"you leaving the house altogether is putting yourself in danger—you just don't get it." He stated, shaking his head while he unbuttoned his dress shirt.

My face contorted in confusion before my eyes darted from him to the bottle of alcohol on the table.

He was drunk...of course, he was drunk.

"All you had to do was stay here until I handled it, but for some reason, that's just too much to ask from you. You could've ruined everything I set up today, all 'cause you can't follow simple ass directions yo." He ranted, shaking his head.

"So did I Saint? Did I ruin anything or is this just another one of those times you pick a fight with me for god knows whatever reason?" I sighed, growing just as exhausted mentally as I was physically.

"pick a fight—man watch how you talk to me Khalil, real shit, cause me reminding you of your own safety ain't pickin' a fight." He said sternly.

"so did I ruin it, saint? I questioned again, releasing a frustrated huff with my eyes closed.

"nah, it's handled." He replied simply.

"And what does that mean?" I asked.

"Does it matter?" He questioned back.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now