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A low moan escaped my lips as I was lifted off my feet, and carried over to the couch-where I was positioned to straddle the man under me

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A low moan escaped my lips as I was lifted off my feet, and carried over to the couch-where I was positioned to straddle the man under me.

Our lips had yet to break from one another, all that could be heard was our rampant breaths, and the low moans that escaped both of our throats.

Everything was happening so fast, yet slow enough that I was aware of what was going on.

Something that deep down I knew was wrong, but still felt so entirely right that I could care less what it said about my morals.

What I've seen him do, how I've seen him act, how he made others feel-it all became irrelevant as I felt his tongue run circles across my neck.

As his large hands gripped and squeezed at just about every part of my body, I felt the heat of his body under mine while I sat securely on his lap.

Everything that plagued my mind before, all the guilt that kept me from admitting my feelings and acting on them became afterthoughts.

All I cared about was the now, how he made me feel now, the man he was now.

A gasp escaped my throat as I felt his hand snake its way inside my shirt, trailing up my abdomen before snaking back down, leaving my skin tingling with his touch.

It had been so long since I'd been sexual with anyone, his touch left me desperate for more-just a puddle of desire and need.

His hands, his lips, his body, and his voice-all left me hungry.

"Khalil..." he mumbled near my ear, causing yet another gasp to escape my throat.

It was as if it took him no time at all to find the sweet spot on my neck, the spot that left every inch of my body feeling tingly, that spot that basically left me an empty vessel of desire and hunger on top of him.

"...so sweet..." he continued, sucking on the earlobe of my ear while his hand explored the bare skin under my shirt.

"Saint..." I whispered breathily, throwing my head back as my eyes sought refuge in the back of my skull.

His trail of kisses that he left on my neck felt so good, good enough that I wanted him to feel the exact same thing.

As gently as I could, I reached down and gripped at his neck-an action that he allowed, an action he seemed to enjoy. He looked up at me with low eyes, almost smirking as he gazed at me.

Here we are, me on his lap, my hands around his neck, bodies on fire and desiring more and more with each passing second.

He bit his lip as he looked up at me, eyes full of hunger and lust, both of which my eyes reciprocated.

Slowly, I reached down to place another kiss on his lips, hands never leaving his neck as I did so.

He just lay back and allowed me full control, and as I slowly broke our kiss, his hands gradually snaked down to rest over my bottom, applying just the perfect amount of pleasure.

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