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It's safe to say that their newfound understanding of each other left both Khalil and Saint with a lot to think about,  because the entire drive back home was silent, only kept up by the faint music playing from Saint's car

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It's safe to say that their newfound understanding of each other left both Khalil and Saint with a lot to think about, because the entire drive back home was silent, only kept up by the faint music playing from Saint's car.

Their silence lasted while they showered, changed, and lay down on the couch, only ending after about fifteen minutes of them cuddling.

"do you think imma hurt 'chu?" Saint questioned randomly after hours of deep thought, gazing at the ceiling as his chest vibrated.

"Um I don't think you'll ever do it intentionally," Khalil told him, hand rubbing over saints chest gently.

"but it's impossible to do the right thing one hundred percent of the time." He added.

Saint shifted up on the couch after that, something that made Khalil shift over so that he was sitting next to him rather than lying on top of him.

"What's wrong?" Khalil asked, which garnered no reply as Saint just sat on the couch and gazed at the ceiling.

With a sigh, Khalil again shifted over, but this time, only so that he could climb onto Saint's lap and straddle him.

Saint's hands moved to the smallers hips immediately as he looked at him, "you're gonna drive yourself insane trying to be perfect." Khalil stated

"I love you Saint, and it's okay to love me back, I'm not afraid of what that means," the smaller repeated again

"yeah." Saint agreed, clearly still holding his own opinion on the matter

"do you believe me?' Khalil asked, frowning a little.

"yeah baby, I do." Saint mumbled, not wanting to upset the man on his lap

"can you kiss me then?' Khalil questioned lowly, reaching down to sandwich his boyfriend's face in his hands softly.

Saint didn't respond verbally to that but instead leaned up to connect his lips with Khalils.

A quick peck turned into a make-out session, a hungry, passionate, overwhelming make-out session.

Moans escaped Khalil's throat and groans escaped Saints, all while his hands reached for the hem of Khalil's shirt so he could pull it over the smallers head.

Once it was off, He threw it across the room somewhere and eyed his lover's body, scanning across his arms and chest, seemingly mesmerized by the art on Khalil's skin.

The smaller did the same, tracing over the ink on his boyfriend's skin with his fingers.

Then, as their eyes locked, Khalil watched as Saint slowly leaned into his chest, where he kissed the skin of his sternum, before trailing his lips up Khalil's neck where he paused at his chin.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now