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It's been a couple of weeks now and finally, it felt like I was able to actually take some steps forward in life

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It's been a couple of weeks now and finally, it felt like I was able to actually take some steps forward in life. For the first time in forever—I've been able to finally save up some money which is solely because they are working me to the absolute bone here at this grocery store.

For the last three weeks, I've worked 9 to 10-hour shifts, some of which were without a break, since I wanted the little extra I'd make from not taking one.

I know that was a lot, but it wasn't like I really had any other options.

Saving up enough money to get the hell out of this city and back on my feet was my number one priority.

Even if that meant I had to neglect myself in order to do it.

It's just been weeks of constant work, and nothing else. I mean on the bright side—I haven't been robbed or assaulted recently so that's great.

Again, there are just certain things people wouldn't understand unless they lived here.

Not having my life threatened was a nice change of pace, but every now and then I'd still have the occasional scare.

Red—he still pops up from time to time, granted a bit less recently, but I still do see him.

Whenever I get home late, he's waiting near the front of my apartment complex, or outside the store.

Whenever I end up having to walk from work, he somehow ends up meeting me halfway just to tell me how much of a bad idea it is to do so.

By this point, I'm completely aware that I think he was stalking me—no, im positive he was.

But again, there was no one I could report it to, and honestly, I don't think I really want to anyway.

Sure his appearances were unsettling at first, but I genuinely think I've been in this city long enough to be desensitized to a lot of things.

One of them just happened to be Red.

Wherever he went, people seemed to avoid him, and lord knows—I wanted everyone to avoid me in this fucking town.

If that meant all I had to endure was his scary stare every now and then, so be it.

Speaking of such, just as expected, the moment I exited the store after working yet another ten-hour shift.

The culprit himself stood leaning against the wall, gaze already locked onto the door I'd just walked out of.

"Before you start—yes I know it's dark, no I didn't have a choice—and yes, you're still watching me with no explanation." I blurted out.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now