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I barely got any sleep last night, to pair with the chaos that seemed to be coming from outside, the words of hatred that my former father spewed to me continued to run laps in my head

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I barely got any sleep last night, to pair with the chaos that seemed to be coming from outside, the words of hatred that my former father spewed to me continued to run laps in my head.

With a groan, I peeled myself off of my mattress and drug myself over to the bathroom where I tortured myself through my morning routine.

Didn't even bother eating anything today for breakfast, I simply got dressed and left my apartment so I could head to work.

I walked stoically, not bothering to watch my surroundings like I had last night, If somebody decided they wanted to try and mug me, then this time I'd actually let them, hell I'd even ask them to finish the job.

Unfortunately for me though, I made it to work without much of a problem, and before I knew it—I was again behind the cash register.

Another day of me being called just about any racist stereotype you could think of.

Another day of ignoring terrifying crackheads.

And yet another day or cleaning up behind rampant teenagers.

"If you don't mind me asking kiddo, where are you from?" He asked.

I looked up from my crouching position before placing the last of the chips on the shelf, then I stood up.

"Texas." I told him truthfully.

"Ah really?" He asked, "man what made you move all the way over here?"


"just the least financially strenuous option for me—and I'm freshly on my own." I explained, leaving out the key details.

"I understand that—well hey I want you to know that I really do appreciate you around here. I know it's only been two days—but it's been so hard to keep workers nowadays." He explained.

"thank you Mr.Ron, I appreciate the job." I told him politely

Sure it wasn't my first option, but I guess it was better than nothing.

He smiled and began to walk away before abruptly pausing and turning around, "oh I meant to ask you yesterday but you left out of here so fast—how are you getting home after work bud?"

"I walk," I responded with a sigh, thinking of my trauma inducing ass experience from last night.

"You walk!?" He questioned out of shock, " son that's incredibly dangerous—you should've told me, I would've taken you home yesterday."

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now