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I woke up to a loud roar of thunder which caused me to jump completely upright with my hand over my heart

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I woke up to a loud roar of thunder which caused me to jump completely upright with my hand over my heart.

That's one way to wake up on its own, but being in this specific city made it ten times worse.

For a second I swear a bomb had gone off.

Momentarily, I began to stare at the ceiling as I lay still on the bed, staring above at the ceiling as the harsh pitter patter of the rain tapped against the windows.

Nothing was illuminating the room but the moon's dim rays, casting shadows of rain droplets across the bedroom walls.

Since I was already up, I might as well go ahead and grab a water bottle from the kitchen, I was thirsty, and it wasn't like I'd be able to go back to sleep so soon after hearing that thunder.

After carefully sliding into my bedroom shoes, I began to slowly make my way out of the bedroom, and into the hallway.

Another sharp boom of thunder sounded off randomly, causing me to snap my head over to the window.

I swear each time it sounded like it was getting closer and closer to the house, Jesus.

When I made it out into the living room area, I immediately spotted Saint sprawled out on the couch, flanked by yet another half-empty alcohol bottle that sat directly to his left.

Guess there was no point in me pouring out the bottle from earlier, clearly, he had a supply.

With a sigh, I shook my head at that and walked over to the Refrigerator where I pulled out a cold bottle of water.

Just as I went to take a gulp, I heard what sounded like Saints' voice.

"wait.." he mumbled.

At first, I honestly thought he was talking to me, so I walked over to him cautiously.

It was then I realized he was still deeply asleep, just talking while doing it.

"I-Ion wanna do that.." he mumbled lowly again.

"Huh," I whispered to myself, eyebrow raised in question as I stared down at the large man.

"Saint," I called out cautiously, not wanting to frighten him with loudness.

Of course that didn't work, it never did, but again—he didn't like being touched.

"no." He mumbled, shifting his head to the opposite side.

"Saint, wake up," I repeated, placing my water bottle on the counter.

"Ma—no," he repeated, and this time his movements began to pick up


"No!" He said loudly this time, cutting me off as he shot up from his laying position—chest rising and falling from what seemed to be panic.

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