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"why you ask that?" He questioned as he began to drive

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"why you ask that?" He questioned as he began to drive.

I stayed silent and continued to stare ahead. He looked like he was waiting for a response, but I had no intention of giving him one so eventually, he spoke again.

"Do you know her?" He asked.

"yeah." I stated simply, trying to end the conversation.

"Oh wow, small world." He chuckled, "that's Insane."

Again I stayed silent, I just found it kind of surprising that someone related to Ms.Evelyn would find themselves involved with Saduj.

The two existed on two different sides of a spectrum, yet somehow this nigga existed on both of them.

"How did you me—"

"Yo," I spoke up.

"This ain't a meet & greet, we're not friends, and I'm not tryna get to know you," I stated straight up.

"It's work, drive to the address Saduj sent you and keep it at that," I told him seriously as I looked back over.

He looked taken aback by that, but ultimately mumbled his response, "...got it."

It's safe to say the rest of the ride was silent after that, which was exactly what I wanted.

By the time we arrived, I had Raphael park on the street so we could scope out the area.

For a while I just silently observed—that was only until Raphael spoke up, again breaking that silence.

"yo there's our target right there." He stated, reaching for the door handle.

"don't move," I told him, causing him to halt his movements.

"What—bro he's gonna get away!" He stated, looking between me and our walking target.

"shut the fuck up and listen," I mumbled, growing overly frustrated with both this situation, and the man driving.

Upon hearing my words he released a frustrated huff but ultimately listened to what I had to say.

"You're not even watching, you just gonna go in there blindly and get murked...where the fuck did Saduj even find you?" I questioned.

He stayed silent as he stared ahead, clearly biting his tongue or failing to come up with a response.

"answer me lil' nigga." I demanded calmly.

"Listen, man, that's my bad, usually Saduj just has me doing behind-the-scenes—lowkey type shit, this my first time doin' sum like this." He explained.

"—he just wants me to learn, that's all, he tryna get me to run a portion of his business down south." He added, "Shadowing you is the fastest way to learn some of the gritty shit I guess.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now