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"and what if we have a girl?" Khalil asked, watching as I drew circles softly on his stomach

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"and what if we have a girl?" Khalil asked, watching as I drew circles softly on his stomach.

"is that possible?" I asked, "how would she even get... her parts?"

We'd been chilling pretty much all day, which is what I tried to make a normal thing. If I wasn't out doing something that made money, I was here with him.

Today had been relatively calm to begin, so we ended up laying in bed, just spitballing about the future, and possibilities with the baby.

"I mean, I wouldn't rule out anything considering we don't have a clue how this pregnancy even started to begin with." He replied with a giggle.

"yeah..." I mumbled in agreement.

"it don't matter if we have a boy or a girl, I'll love 'em regardless," I added honestly.

"okay, but what if we had a girl, how would you approach it?" He continued, clearly curious about the topic.

"hm." I hummed in thought.

"a baby girl?" I mumbled, staring at the ceiling.

I'd be scared of having a daughter now that I think about it, the world is a bad place, If anyone should know, it's me. I don't wanna bring a young lady into this world knowing it would be ten times harder for her.

But still... if Khalil had a girl, then...

"I'd make sure she knows that as long as Im breathing, she'll never have to worry about a thing," I replied simply

No tears, No worries, whatever it was, I'd handle it.

"aw," Khalil blushed, skin growing warmer against my palm.

"what about a son, hmm'?" he spoke, smiling down at me with an amusing giddy expression.

"A son..." I repeated, again mumbling aloud as I thought.

This was just as scary as having a daughter honestly, just in a different way.

If Khalil was to have a boy, then...

"I'd just do my best to make sure he doesn't turn out like me..." I stated, forgetting that it was Khalil I was talking to.

"Saint." He scolded with a frown.

"y'know what I mean..." I replied lowly while my thrumb ran circles across his belly.

"you focus too much on the bad..." Khalil nodded.

"it doesn't matter," I replied, hoping to avoid the impending argument

"Your tea is about to boil over." I then spoke, changing the subject and saving us the task of having to clean up spilled tea.

"shoot!" he exclaimed, just before hopping up and running over to the kettle on the stove

I chuckled as I watched him work through his flightiness before making his way back over to me, mug in hand.

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