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"I'm sorry it took me that long—I got caught up," I told Khalil, embracing him after I'd locked our front door

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"I'm sorry it took me that long—I got caught up," I told Khalil, embracing him after I'd locked our front door.

"It's okay, you told me you'd be home late." He spoke, leaning into my chest as we hugged

Based on his tone, and just the way he sounded— I could tell he was tired, Which was honestly expected seeing as though it was 2 a.m.

"'Lil, I told you though baby, I wish you wouldn't wait up like that for me—you need to be gettin' sleep," I stated

"—now more than ever," I added, reaching down to place my hand over his stomach gently.

"I know" he replied, unraveling himself from me as he stepped back.

"—it's just hard." He mumbled.

I creased my eyebrows and began to remove my shoes, immediately feeling a wave of anxiety as I registered his words.

"Hard how—you're in pain?" I asked seriously, scanning his face, then his belly.

"No—it has nothing to do with my stomach—er—the baby, it's more of me just sleeping better when I know you're here." He explained.

"We both know how this city gets and yeah—I understand that you're who you are, but still, you're mine, I get anxious..." He continued, fiddling with the sleeve of his robe, a nervous habit he had, that I don't even think he realized.

I removed my coat as I spoke, "You 'ont gotta worry about me though—you know that—imma big boy." I reassured, with a smirk, amusement in my words

"Yes Saint, I know " He stated, chuckling lightly, "Like I said, I'm still gonna worry...I'm in love with you."

A smirk found my lips as I walked back over to him in order to place a quick kiss on his lips.

" I ain't goin' nowhere." I reminded him.

"—cain't leave my lil' family I got growin' here," I mumbled lowly, holding him closer to my chest as his warmth began to radiate off of him.

"—did you eat?" I then asked.

"Yeah—I had leftovers, I wasn't that hungry but I still forced it." He told me.

I nodded at that as my eyes drifted down to his growing belly.

Honestly, sometimes I still couldn't believe it, the fact he was possibly—even more than likely pregnant.

The fact I was about to be a dad.

Honestly I probably still haven't even processed it completely—it was all happening so fast.

After we initially found out, I went more into survival mode, where I started thinking about what we needed to do financially, or how I needed to be there for Khalil more. My emotions still haven't had time to process it, which I guess can be attributed to the fact I was still kinda underdeveloped in that aspect.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now