Chapter 40

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Josh's POV

When the guards are done with Greg, they tell Nicolas to come over, and he reluctantly does.

Then they tell him to undress to his boxers, which he isn't happy about, but he does it anyway.

He looks at me with a bored expression, while the guards look through his stuff.

They don't find anything, so they talk to each other for a while, before they turn back to my mate and the boy that he was with.

I guess that Nicolas made another friend, although I think that I remember that he's one of the stupid guys, so I'm not very happy about that, and I will have to make sure that my mate will know that.

I don't want my brother to hate him, because this would make him hate me, and I would prefer to stay on the good side of the Alpha.

"We will take you back to the Alpha." The guard says, I think that they would have let them go, if not the fact that they have masked their scent.

So, we go out of the bathroom, and we go towards the stairs, but before we can turn the corner, Denver meets us.

"And?" He ask the guards.

"We didn't find anything." One of them says.

Denver looks at my mate and the other man, not really believing that they didn't take anything.

"Why did you want to see me?" Denver assk them.

"It doesn't matter anymore." Joshua says.

"Whatever." Denver says, and then he walks up the stairs.

The guards let us go, so I take my mate's hand, and I lead him to the house, while the other man goes to his own apartment, which is in the pack house.

"What did you take?" I ask him again, when we're somewhere in the middle of the way.

"A key to the room that has some weapon, Greg wanted to take a few throwing knives, so we could play with them." He explains.

"And where is that key?" I ask him, and he shrugs.

"He put it in his sock, but I'm not sure what happened to it, I will ask him the next time that I will see him." He says.

Before I can answer, he gets a message, so he pulls his phone out of his pocket, and he looks at it, before smhe laughs slightly.

"Greg just messaged me, saying that he managed to put the key back where it was, because Denver was more interested in talking to me, than looking at what he's doing." He tells me.

"Well, that explains why the guards didn't find the key, but don't do anything like this again." I tell him.

"Okay." He responds.

"You were lucky this time, but if Denver would found out that you took this key, then he would have given you some punishment." I say.

"I won't do it again." He tells me, sounding honest. "I didn't really want to do it, because I didn't want to get in trouble, but to miss doing things like this." He tells me.

"We will find you something better to do in your free time." I say, and he nods with a smile.

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