Chapter 46

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Nicolas' POV

I find one more person on the tree that is nearby, so I kill them with a gun.

"Let's go back." I say, still looking around.

Peter looks like he's about to start crying, so I pick him up, and I start to walk back.

The alarm starts to ring throughout the pack lands, signalling that there's an attack.

"Where's the closest safe room?" I ask Timmy.

Joshua told me a few things about the attacks, so I already know that we should find it, so we can hide.

"I think that the pack house will be the closest." He tells me, so I walk in the direction of the pack house, hoping that we're not very far.

Thankfully Peter stays quiet, because he could alert the enemies of our position if he would start to cry.

I have to kill one more person on our way, but after that, the warriors find us, and we tell them what's going on, so they take us back to the pack house.

I hear a few gunshots that aren't from my gun, and I wonder if those people that are attacking managed to kill someone form the pack.

I really hope that everyone will be fine, especially Kyle, who I know is one of the warriors who are in those woods right now.

I try to not think about it, and I let Timmy lead me to the safe room, when the guards leave us in front of the pack house.

We enter it, and I put Peter on the ground, before I pull out my phone to text my mate that I'm alright.

He must have been scared when he woke up, and I wasn't there with him.

Now I wish that I woke him up, before I left.

He calls me, so I answer the call, and we talk for the next few hours, before Carter opens the door to the safe room.

He tells us that we can go out, so everyone does it, and I go straight to the house, because I want to see my mate, while Timmy and Peter stay with Carter.

When I reach the house, everyone is already out of the safe room, and Joshua comes running towards me.

"I was so scared when I woke up, and I realised that you're not in the house." He tells me, so I hug him tightly.

"I'm fine, but I was in the woods, and I had to shot a few people." I tell him, and his eyes widen.

I lead him to the couch, and then I explain what happened, which interests his brothers too.

"Dear Goddess." Joshua says, and then he hugs me tightly, so I hug him back, and we decide to watch some TV for a while, because the both of us need to calm down a bit.

But we can't find any movie that would interest both of us, so we decide to go upstairs to watch one on my mate's phone.

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