Chapter 1: New School, New Me!

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                          Kiyotaka Pov
The bus bumped along a cement road in the city streets. I, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, had just been picked up by the bus and was now being transported to the Advanced Nurturing High school, the school where the supposed elites of Japan come and study. Boasting state of the art facilities, highly advanced course structures, and professional faculty and staff, this school was considered the best school in Japan. Boasting a 100% acceptance rate to colleges and work places, it fostered the elites who were accepted and turned them into people who climbed the social ladder and functioned well. I want to ask though: Is Society equal?

Everywhere you go, whether it be the internet or outside your favorite coffee shop, you would hear about the fight for equality. People joining together to fight for a world without unfair elements.

As a wise man once said, "Heaven does not create one person above or below another." People like to throw these words around. That's not the whole quote. It goes on to say that "... while we are all equal at birth, pretty soon, things begin to change. Academic effort is what sets some people apart to rise above the others.

At any rate, humans change over time based on their actions. Truth be told, at the end of the day, equality is just a fantasy. And most of us go through life denying the fact that we live in a meritocracy. But those people often do not end up near the top. In my opinion, those who do not look into the truth, try to discern the truth and the lies, those who do not do that, are the most unsuccessful.

However, I have to wonder if those people are living a better life than the elites. Living in bliss, not caring for the unfair acts committed around them.

???: Erm, could you please give up your seat, sir?

Oh shit. Was someone talking to me?

I looked around the bus after snapping out of my internet thoughts and saw a girl wearing the same red uniform as I was standing down the bus from me. She seemed to be speaking to a blonde boy also wearing our red uniform who sat in the priority seats. Behind the blonde girl was an old woman who was supported by a cane.

???: Puhuhu, why would I strain myself to leave my seat? First come, first serve is the rule, is it not?

???: Well I are in the priority seating after all. Don't you think you should stand up for this sweet old woman?

Grannie: It's quite alright dear. I can stand just fine.

As she said that, the bus bumped on the road which jostled the old woman. She would have fallen to the ground if the blonde girl with watermelons didn't pick her up. Somehow I don't think she can stand just fine.

???: My, my, you're a pretty girl. I understand that this is priority seating honey, but there's no law forcing me to give it up. You think I should have to stand up just because I'm still young? What a bunch of ageist-y nonsense. Sure I'm younger than her, but standing uses way more energy than sitting. Tell me, why must I sacrifice my health for this lady's sake?

???: Well for the greater good of humanity! You would be contributing to the world if you just let this old woman have a seat, can't you see she's struggling to stand upright?

The girl pointed to the condition of the old woman who was grabbing onto her cane awkwardly and just trying to look away from the situation that unfolded in front of her.

???: I have zero interest in contributing to the greater good. And anyway, there are plenty of other jerks on this bus who could give up their seats. Furthermore, I don't see much difference between a priority seat and a regular one, so ask someone else to be a hero.

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