V9 Chapter 1.5: Dealing With An Imp

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Kiyotaka Pov

It was at night when I knocked on a dorm room's thick door. I was in the male section of the dormitories for a specific business purpose.

I shivered, breathing hot breath into my cold hands before rubbing them together ferociously to keep my body from the cold.

The sun had gone down 4 hours ago and with its descent, the crescent moon rose up in the sky like a bird shooting across the dark waves in the middle of the ocean.

I waited a minute longer before someone finally opened the door. 

I began to smile and spoke, "Good evening, Yamauchi!"

Yamauchi nodded, "Yeah, you too. What are you doing around here?"

"Well," I started, "I came to discuss something with you about tomorrow."

Yamauchi's eyes narrowed at me and he smirked, "Jealous?"

I cocked my head to the side, "Jealous? Of what?"

These words seemed to shock him and he took a moment to think about what I could have been talking about. It was clear to me that he and I were both thinking about the same thing, but due to my questioning, he got the wrong idea completely.

Correcting him right away would only make me look more suspicious regarding that topic, and knowing Yamauchi, rumors would only start up directly following that.

"Uhh, is it about Kushida-Chan's birthday?" he finally mustered up.

I nodded, "Yeah! Rumor has it you asked her out and she accepted?"

Yamauchi let out a chuckle, one filled with arrogance and pride, "Sure did! When I asked, she was blushing all over and rubbing her palms together like she had just one the lottery!"

You know...it might have just been cold. Or Yamauchi is just exaggerating her reaction.

"I'm happy for you," I replied with the toothiest smile I could muster up, before shifting my facial expression to a more serious one, "But I have something important to talk to you about. May I come in?"

The black-haired boy shrugged and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "Eh, kinda busy here, man."

"With what?"


"What kinda stuff?"

"Important stuff," he responded, anger rising in his voice. The door knob emitted a rattling sound, alerting that Yamauchi was about to close the door. "I'm busy, maybe tomorrow though?"

He moved to close the door, but it stopped suddenly.

Yamauchi looked down and then back up at me and glared, "What's wrong with you? Move your foot!"

My foot was indeed jammed between the door and the wall but I wasn't in pain at all.

I leaned forward, just barely keeping my face out of the space between the door and wall, "Please Yamauchi? It's very important, it's about Kikyo?"

Yamauchi paused for a moment, looking back into his room for a second before sighing.

He shrugged, "Sure, but can we make this quick?" He pushed the door open and I walked inside, slowly taking off my shoes while looking around the room.

It was of course the same size as mine, but it was far more decorated. There were several shelves that had figurines of women wearing barely anything. Their designs ranged from tall to small, with colorful and dark hair. 

There was only one male character, and that was a boy with brown hair and quite literally hearts in his eyes.

On the wall were various posters of anime and movies, pictures of Yamauchi and Kikyo and other girls. Under the TV was a stack of video games an other cases, a box of tissues and hand cream, and a  few gaming consoles laying about.

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