Episode 30 - A Moment's Interruption"

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Episode 30: A Moment's Interruption



REYHAN WOKE FROM HER DREAM (shouting the same.... NO! NO EMIR!
As she gained consciousness
Thank God that was just a dream. But my heart says Something bad is coming our ways. I'm worried. I should tell him the truth. If he could share his childhood sufferings to me with full trust then how can I take that right from him of knowing the actual reason of her mom's death. Today, I will tell him everything.


Emir's cabin is bathed in warm sunlight, casting a soft glow on the room. Soft music plays in the background as Reyhan enters the room, wearing a shy smile on her face. Emir, sitting at his desk, looks up and his eyes light up at the sight of her.

While holding Reyhan's hands
Hello, my gorgeous love.

Reyhan blushes, feeling a wave of shyness wash over her.

You're the most beautiful girl in the...

In the what?

In the universe and galaxies.

Reyhan laughs, a melodious sound that fills the room.

Stop, stop.

Emir grins mischievously, his eyes filled with love.

Reyhan blushes, feeling a mix of excitement and shyness.

Emir's playfulness turns into romance as he slowly releases Reyhan's hand, placing both of his hands on her waist, pulling her closer to him. Reyhan's shyness intensifies, but she musters the courage to speak.

(whispering, shyly)
Emir... We...

Emir leans in closer, his voice a gentle murmur in Reyhan's ear.

I can't control myself. You're here, I'm here... let's make a move.

Reyhan's heart races, her cheeks flushing even more. Just as their lips are about to meet, Emir's phone rings, breaking the intense moment.

What a timing.

Reyhan bursts into laughter, finding the interruption amusing.

Well, fate has a sense of humor, doesn't it?

Emir joins in her laughter, his eyes still locked with Reyhan's.

We'll have to continue this later. I promise.

Reyhan's laughter subsides, and she looks at Emir with affection.

Emir winks at her playfully.

Emir answers the call, but as he speaks, he makes a playful gesture, miming a distance kiss, his eyes fixed on Reyhan.

Reyhan feels a rush of shyness and amusement, but she smiles back, making a gesture with her hands indicating that she will be right back.

(on the phone)
Sorry, I got a little distracted. Yes, we can discuss that later.

Emir playfully puts his hand over his heart and points towards Reyhan.

(still on the phone)
This beats only for you.

Reyhan giggles and leaves the room, her smile bright and her heart filled with joy and anticipation.

The room is momentarily filled with silence as Emir finishes the call, a wistful smile on his face.

Emir's phone rests on the desk, forgotten for now, as his thoughts drift to Reyhan, their shared love, and the beautiful moments they have yet to embrace.


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