Episode 71: Last Episode

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Episode 71: Last Episode

After Few Months


Reyhan is lying on the hospital bed, her hand tightly holding Emir's as they eagerly await the arrival of their baby. The room is filled with anticipation and excitement.

Alright, Reyhan, you're doing great. Just a few more minutes.

Reyhan nods, her face flushed with effort and determination. Emir gently wipes the sweat from her forehead, offering words of support and love.

Yes Reyhan. A few more minutes.

After some time the sound of a baby's cry fills the room, and the doctor smiles.

It's a healthy baby boy!

Tears of joy fill Emir's eyes as he looks at his wife and then at their newborn son, cradled in the doctor's arms.

We have a son, Reyhan. Our little miracle.

Reyhan smiles, feeling overwhelmed with love and happiness as she looks at her baby boy.

He's perfect, Emir. Our little bundle of joy.

The doctor places the baby in Emir's arms, and He holds him close, feeling an instant connection.

Congratulations to both of you. He's a healthy and beautiful baby.

Emir leans in, placing a gentle kiss on Reyhan's forehead, and then on their son's tiny head.

Welcome to the world, our precious boy.

(whispers, teary-eyed)
Thank you for giving me the greatest gift, Emir.

The new parents share a tender moment, their hearts overflowing with love for their son.


Emir and Reyhan are now in the postnatal ward, where they are bonding with their baby boy, surrounded by love and support from their family.

AYLA (Reyhan's mom):
He's absolutely adorable, Reyhan. You both have been blessed with such a beautiful baby.

Ali (Emir's father) nods, a smile on his face as he looks at his grandson.

He's going to be a strong and remarkable young man, just like his father.

Emir looks at his son with awe, feeling an overwhelming sense of responsibility and love.

I'll do everything in my power to give him the best life possible.

You're an amazing husband and will be a wonderful father. we'll give him all the love and care he needs.

I remember when you two were just kids yourselves. Now, you're parents. I'm so proud of both of you.

Indeed, it's a wonderful feeling to see the next generation taking shape. He'll carry on our family's legacy.

Legacy? Baba he is just a small child. I will not burden him with anything. He will live his life all as he wants.
(Getting serious)
The pain I suffered from I can't even imagine a bit of it for my son.

Reyhan got emotional on seeing Emir being a responsible father. He held his hand showing compassion and support to him.

(Teary eyed)
Emir! Everything has passed. I know mother Leyla Wherever she is, she will be so happy for you, for us and for our baby.

To lighten the mood Ayla diverted the conversation

He has your eyes, Emir. Such a beautiful resemblance.

And his mother's smile. He's truly a perfect blend of both of you.

Reyhan and Emir exchange loving glances, their hearts filled with gratitude and happiness.

Then Emir and Reyhan shared a forehead touch with such warmth holding their baby in their arms.

The postnatal ward is filled with the sound of laughter and joy as Emir and Reyhan's family members take turns holding the baby boy, cooing and marveling at his tiny features.


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