Episode 34: Conflict of emotions

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Episode 34: Conflict of emotions


Reyhan rushes into the bustling police station, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of Emir. She approaches the front desk, where a weary OFFICER is sitting.

Excuse me, I'm looking for Emir Tarhun. He was arrested earlier tonight.

(looking up)

Reyhan anxiously provides Emir's details, and the officer checks the system.

Yes, we have him in custody. Hold on a moment.

Reyhan paces back and forth, her heart pounding. Moments later, the officer returns with a serious expression.

Miss, I'm afraid we can't release him just yet. Charges have been filed against him, and he'll need to go through the legal process.

Reyhan's face falls, and her worry deepens.

Please, is there anything I can do? Can I see him?

I can arrange a brief meeting, but he's still in a holding cell. Follow me.

Reyhan follows the officer through a series of corridors until they reach a dimly lit hallway with holding cells.


The officer opens a cell door, revealing a disheveled and dejected Emir sitting on a bench. Reyhan's heart aches at the sight of him in such a vulnerable state.


Emir looks up, his eyes filled with a mix of emotions: surprise, remorse, and a glimmer of hope.

Reyhan steps closer, her eyes welling up with tears.

What happened, Emir? Why did you get into a fight?

Emir stands behind the jail bars, his face flushed with anger and frustration. His shirts are partially unbuttoned, his disheveled appearance a testament to his excessive alcohol consumption.

Fueled by his emotions, he grips the jail bars tightly, his knuckles turning white.

Emir's gaze fixates on Reyhan as she approaches, but his words come out in a slurred and angry manner, distorted by his drunken state.

(Angrily to Reyhan)
Why are you here now? Aren't you satisfied with your motive to kill me from inside.

Reyhan looks at Emir, concern etched on her face. She understands that his anger is fueled by pain and the intoxicating effects of alcohol. She turns to the officer, her voice steady and determined.

(to the officer)
I am ready to do whatever it takes to compromise with the people involved. Please, just get him out.

The officer nods, acknowledging Reyhan's plea, and begins the process to release Emir.

Later, Emir and Reyhan sit on a bench outside the police station, the weight of their silence palpable.

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