Episode 32: The moment of Heartbreak

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Episode 32: The moment of Heartbreak


Emir slowly opens his eyes, blinking away the remnants of his unconsciousness. He finds himself surrounded by Reyhan, Ayla, and his father, Ali, their faces filled with concern and relief.

Emir, thank goodness you're awake! How are you feeling?

I don't want to talk to anyone right now.

Reyhan's eyes fill with sadness, hurt by Emir's sudden coldness. She exchanges a worried glance with Ayla and Ali, unsure of how to proceed.

Emir, we're just glad you're okay. Take your time, son. We're here for you when you're ready.

Emir remains silent, his gaze distant as he processes the overwhelming truth that has been revealed to him.

After some time Reyhan bring breakfast for Emir. The bowl of fruits and salad. She happily reached to him.

Emir please have something. You haven't eaten anything for so long.

Please leave me alone ,Reyhan. I'm done with your fake concern and love.

Reyhan was shocked also hurt by every word said by Emir. She didn't say a word as the time wasn't appropriate also Emir was burning in anger.

Okay. I'll leave for now. But you make sure to take care of yourself. I will come tomorrow.

Emir made an irritating expression on his face while Reyhan was leaving the room.



Emir got discharged from the hospital. He sits alone on the couch, his face etched with anguish and confusion. His surroundings reflect the chaos within him, books and papers scattered haphazardly, a visual representation of his internal turmoil.

The weight of the truth still hangs heavily upon him, tearing at the fabric of his being. He replays the memories, the nightmares, and the revelations over and over again in his mind.

(entering the room cautiously)
Emir, we need to talk. Please, don't shut me out.

Emir's gaze meets Reyhan's, filled with a mix of pain and anger.

Reyhan, how could you keep such a significant truth from me? You knew all along, and you never told me.

[Reyhan didn't say a word and kept looking down]

Reyhan, I trusted you the most. Let me ask you " Were you aware of the truth before when we were together "

(Angrily shouted)
Were you aware of all this, Reyhan.

Emir held Reyhan's arms and jolted her with teary eyes. His eyes were seeking answers from her.

Reyhan put herself back (Trembling with Emir's shout)

Emir, I... I will explain. I.. I wanted to protect you. I didn't know how to bring up such a painful topic without causing you more harm.

Protect me? By hiding the truth? Reyhan, I needed to know. I needed to process it all. Instead, you took that choice away from me.

Reyhan's voice quivers, her words filled with desperation and love.

Emir, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I love you, and I only wanted to shield you from more pain. Please, try to understand.

Reyhan, I can't handle this right now. My world has been turned upside down. I need time to figure things out. I think it's best if we... if we give ourselves some time.

Reyhan's heart shatters, tears streaming down her face as she tries to find the right words, but Emir's decision is firm and final.

If that's what you think is best, then... then I'll respect your decision. But please know that my love for you will always remain.

They share one last painful look before Reyhan turns away, leaving Emir standing there, her heart in pieces. She closed her eyes to control the tears and left Emir's house.


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