Chapter 200

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Authors Note:

Wattpad has a 200-chapter book limit, so I've split this series into 2 halves. If you're continuing Dungeon Diver from the first 199 chapters, welcome back!

If you're new here, click my profile to find the first half of this story and start on chapter 1!

Thanks for reading, enjoy:)


I watch the busy marketplace fade away in the distance as the train leaves the station. All my teammates and our silver-haired guide watch the capital disappear from view as we leave as well.

Almost immediately, we enter a more mountainous region with heavy trees and small lakes that line the train tracks.

We've headed almost a full day away from the capital. I've never been this far away from my hometown before. Going to the capital was a big deal the first time I left, so wherever we're headed, this is all new territory for me.

I'm not too worried about getting too far away, if anything goes south, I can just Dungeon Walk back to a number of marked locations. My MP stores have risen significantly, so even at a much further distance away, I should be able to teleport anywhere.

We'll see...

The lush green plants and wildlife fill my vision through the wide open windows as the tall buildings fade away behind me.

It's both exciting and nerve-wracking.

I'm pretty glad the decision was made for us, it felt like we didn't exactly have the option to say no... If given a choice I would have said yes to this mission anyways. I'm looking forward to seeing new things, but most of all, I'm glad I get to go off on an adventure with my team again.

It still hasn't fully hit me yet...

The fact that I've been gone off training for months in isolation. I've had Ember by my side, but it isn't the same as being around real people.

It feels, warm.

Being around smiles and laughter is nice, especially Maria.

I look over to the blond-haired blue-eyed hunter. She's grown a lot, but every time I look at her it reminds me of where I came from.

That tiny apartment building back in our hometown, farming goblins just to make rent. It's only been a few months, but it feels like a lifetime has gone by...

I sit back on the large orange cushioned couch of our private room and gaze out the window.

As time goes by, Leo makes himself comfortable and we begin sharing info back and forth as a team. We talk about past quests and association-hosted upcoming events, but nothing too special comes up.

Everything about today's mission is apparently easier to explain once we get there, so I'm still a bit left in the dark about what these "Gates" and "Sections" really are.

The silver-haired artificer seems alright. He gets along fine with all my teammates, and I don't mind his company at all. He lightens the mood.

My only strife is his unyielding loyalty to the Association. Sure, he gets to work his dream job, but the glossy-eyed trust is a character trait that's hard for me to comprehend...

To each their own I guess.

About 2 hours of small talk, window gazing, and interesting conversation pass before a dinging sound interrupts us coming from the metal door at the front of the private cabin.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now