Chapter 376

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A woman with long flowing blond hair, fair skin, and piercing blue eyes approaches our table. The status readings I'm getting from the woman say without a shadow of a doubt, it's the same person I met in the arena.

The Advanced Ice Magic, Red Hydra's Buff, and unforgettable blue eyes seal the deal.

However, the altered facial features, slight body type changes, and item on her hand that shows up with my Appraisal skill, but isn't present on her status labeled [Ring of Total Alteration] seems to be just like the ring of concealment I use to wear a suit. However, hers changes her facial features.

The moment she comes over to the table she waves at every one of us and smiles wide. The way she carries herself shifts from stiff and serious to overly bubbly. I open up my telepathic link with her, and she immediately answers.

"Play along. I need a believable excuse to have actually met you in case I was tailed."

The corner of my lip curls up as I realize it's all an act.

She speaks out loud to all of us, but fixes her drunken gaze on me.

"Fellow Legacy fighters, care if I take a seat to celebrate our Victory?"

Max's eyes widen as Maria slides into the red booth right next to me without waiting for an answer.

He lets out a laugh, looking at me, then back to her.

"The Ice Empress? It's you?"

He chomps down on his bite and washes it down with another gulp of his drink.

"What are the odds?"

Sia interjects in a low tone.

"It must be, Elen wouldn't have let anyone else near our table. Her or Monk, and I doubt this is what that brute looks like out of the ring."

Ace smirks at Sia's joke and is the only one who replies to Maria's question.

"Sure, join us. We're almost done here anyway, but a fellow strong fighter is always welcome."

He leans in over the table to grab another bottle.

I shrug and turn to Maria.

"Fine by me-"

Before I can finish my sentence, I get a tight hug from Maria and a loud voice echoes through our link.

"Good to see you're doing well. I knew you'd make it out of there alive."

I squeeze her back and she speaks outloud to please those watching.

"The Flame Emperor, your performance was amazing! I've been looking all over for you!"

I let out a chuckle but reply inwardly through our link.

"Happy to see you safe and sound too."

Then, give a response outloud.

"Nice to meet you too... Your fight was impressive."

We stay embraced for a bit longer than strangers should, but the drunken act that Maria plays off is impeccable.

She continues letting out a bubbly laugh, and details a backstory of how she saw The Flame Emperor on her wristband while visiting town from Solara and how she needed a last-minute name to see if that 7th stage was as hard as the rumors made it. These tales are followed by another few rounds of shots, and it's more tha enough to dissuade the other legacy Fighters from digging too deep into the situation.

Apparently new strong fighters come through town pretty often. In their intoxicated state, Maria's story seems like a plausible scenario.

Before another hour passes, the midnight tax dings in all our ears, deducting 1 gold credit from our wallets.

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