Chapter 218

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As the Golem trudges forward, it takes hit after hit from the Salamander's molten attacks. Hot lava spews out after every impact staining the battlefield with hot red-orange mass. I continue to drink MP potions and heal its wounds.

Losing parts of an arm or a leg after every blow, the Golem moves forward without flinching. It only costs me minor MP stores that can be restored with ease, while the salamander that's attacking is becoming more irritated by the second.

The ground beneath the Golem's feet is getting much hotter and more unstable with every new attack thrown. As it nears the outer edge of the island, more large cracks and lava pools become common in its path.

Its feet land into hot molten mass with almost every step. This slows it down but also heats up the average temperature of the rock that forms its body.

As my jet-black minion takes in more mass from its environment, it starts to glow red hot the closer it gets to the Mutant Boss.

Every hit the minion takes from the fiery blast, the less effective it becomes. Once over 40 meters away from me, and less than 30 meters from the Boss, the Golem is made almost entirely of molten stone.

It's highly malleable and even easier to imbue mana into. This isn't what I planned for, but has turned out even better than I'd hoped.

I see the eyes of the Salamander Boss widen as the Molten Golem approaches. It's visibly surprised, having never encountered lava that fights back...

I smirk, shifting both of the golem's arms into bladed edges mimicking the form of a very fierce Floor Boss opponent I faced in the past.

The glowing red-orange arms of the Golem shine with a glossy finish as I cover them in the densest layer of mana shielding I can muster from this distance.

Less than 15 meters away now, I launch the Golem into the air with both blades poised at the Salamander's neck.

Another blast of molten rock comes flying out to hit my minion head-on at full power.

With dense pink mana shielding focused solely on the Minion's bladed arms, this is enough to slice clean through the incoming attack without a problem.

The golem's unguarded lower half is stripped away by hot debris and destroyed in the blast. It doesn't matter right now.

I keep my eyes on the prize.

Not slowing down for a moment, the top half of my Golem flies through the air, upwards, and lands two devastating hits on the monster's tough black-scaled neck.

A white flash of light blinds me momentarily and is followed by the murderous roar of the heavily injured beast. It evolves into a loud shriek and the entire island shakes and rumbles.

Two deep slashes can be seen in its neck, cutting almost all the way through.

If I just had a little more power, I would have killed it right then and there. It knows this too...

Ignoring the top half of the molten golem as it falls to the floor, the mutant shifts its glowing red gaze toward me. I feel another wave of intimidation, but it only makes me focus on the fight more.

I'll end this here and now.

Its mouth begins to glow red, orange, and yellow as it prepares to send a final desperate attack at me, its actual enemy.

"I can't let that happen."

As the injured Golem touches the floor, my strands of mana manipulation glow and hum. I channel all of my remaining MP into the body of stone as it rebuilds its lower half making its full form able to fight again.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now