Chapter 238

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The 4 of us stand in a small circle after consuming our last batch of Ogre Shards, concluding the first 3 hours of our training session.

Over 2.3 million MP each has been consumed, and I feel more energized and ready to battle than when we started.

Abby's skill has always been a bit odd to me. It says [Restore] rather than [Heal] like many of the other healers. It may be a unique skill.

Maria hops around, glowing bright blue after we've all fully rested.

"I feel incredible guys! This is more mana than I've ever consumed! It's like months of training in a couple hours!"

Arie chimes in.

"You're right. I can already feel a difference. If we keep improving at this rate, we'll be able to take the Ogres out even faster every hour."

Abby is the last to talk, but she has a worried look on her face.

"How... many MP potions do each of you have left? At the rate I'm using mine, I won't be able to continue healing you all and fight Ogres much longer. Possibly 3 more hours at most."

Maria stops hopping up and down, matching the healer's concerned look, then starts shuffling through her item box.

"I-I've run through about half my supply already too. I only have to use half as much to defeat an Ogre now, but it still won't last more than 6 hours."

I nod, considering the fact that the association loaded me up with 1 million MP worth of potions last week. They must have given my teammates a similar amount.

Arie crosses his arms, speaking up.

"I have plenty, my skill didn't need an upgrade, so the director never handed me one of those fancy crystals. I was just given extra MP potions to go along with my training."

He takes the item box off of his waist and pours out an absurd amount of small glass corked bottles with glowing pink liquid inside them.

"Take as much as you need. Although, by the time the sunrises tomorrow I don't think MP potions will be much of a problem. We may be able to defeat these monsters in a single hit."

My supplies are getting lower, but it's nothing to worry about. Having potions is not a necessity for me. Even if they hit zero it wouldn't be a problem. Plundering MP from my opponent is always an option.

Abby and Maria need these more than me.

The two of them restock their supplies while I continue to think to myself, widening my perception skill's range.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but something feels different.... There's more mana in the air, but I can't tell how much for certain.

We're closer to the boss room, and the blue tint around us is almost identical to before, so it's very hard to put a number on it.

I shrug, then speak up to my team as they talk amongst themselves, solving their MP potion problem without me.

"Ready for another run?"

After a nod of agreement from everyone, we're off to continue our farming.

I keep expanding my teleport range little by little, moving closer to the back of the dungeon.

I can sense the boss room portal way off in the distance, slowly swirling behind us as we hunt, but it doesn't feel much different than the actual dungeon air. If anything, the Ogres that I'm fighting give off more MP radiation than the portal.

Every 15-30 minutes, we all meet together for a quick shard consumption and [Restore] session, then I blip each party member off so we can get back to work.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now